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Friday, August 13, 2021

"Japanese City Suffers Coldest Summer Temperature in 128-Years of Records"


"The mainstream media were keen to promote this year’s Olympic Games as potentially being the “hottest ever!”;

but in reality, northern Japan is suffering all-time, never-before seen, record-breaking COLD — and it is going largely unreported.

In Japan’s northern island of Hokkaido, the city of Wakkanai registered a daily high of just 51F (10.5C) this week

— this was the city’s lowest August reading in 128 years of books, so since 1893 (the Centennial/Gleissberg Minimum).

The mercury plunged even lower overnight, as you’d expect — an astonishing 36.7F (2.61C) was logged early Thursday morning, Aug 11, according to local news station TV Asahi.

Shocked residents spoke of being able see their breath, in the height of summer.

Extreme weather and wildly-fluctuating temperatures have been documented across Japan in recent weeks.

At the close of July, Wakkanai actually came close to busting a high temperature record, but fell just short.

Such swings between extremes are fully predicted during times of low solar activity

–such as the historically low output we’re experiencing now–

as the lower incoming energy weakens the jet streams, reverting them to a wavy (meridional) flow.

... Elsewhere, hundreds of thousands of Japanese residents have been instructed to evacuate their homes due to flood warnings and landslide risks from torrential rains on Kyushu island.

Authorities issued the highest level of evacuation orders in some central parts of the island on Thursday, reported Reuters.

People were warned to take immediate action to protect their lives."