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Monday, August 9, 2021

Monday morning climate rap: I want to thank the IPCC for making this blog necessary !

Not one prediction of environmental doom has been correct since the 1960's.

Predictions of a coming global warming climate crisis actually began in 1957 with oceanographer Roger Revelle and associates. 

They had uncertainty, and did not run to the media waving their arms and bellowing about a coming climate crisis. 

A global warming prediction would have flopped in in the media in 1957, after about 17 year of global cooling since 1940, while CO2 levels in the atmosphere rose.

That global cooling, as CO2 levels rose, actually lasted until 1975. 

In the mid-1970s, a small minority of scientists got a huge amount of media attention by predicting a coming global cooling crisis. 

So of course a global warming trend began in 1975.

Ignoring a flat global average temperature trend from 2003 to mid-2015, the warming trend lasted from 1975 through 2020.  

So far, 2021 has been unusually cool, but six cool months is far too little data to declare a multi-decade warming trend has ended.

Meanwhile, you have lived through some, or all, of the global warming trend in the past 45 years. 

You may have noticed milder winters, as I have in southeastern Michigan ... where we have lived in the same home since 1987 making climate change easier to notice. 

The past 45 years of global warming was mild and harmless -- mainly affecting winter nights in the northern half of the Northern Hemisphere.  

But never mind climate reality.

2021 is time for yet another prediction, in a continuing series of always wrong, but scary, climate predictions by the United Nation's IPCC.  

Consistently wrong since 1988.  

That's 33 years of wrong.  

My own three climate predictions, made in 1997, when I first got interested in climate science, have been 100% accurate:

(1) January will be cold (Northern Hemisphere)

(2) July will be hot (Northern Hemisphere)

(3) There will be more global warming,
unless there is global cooling

I want to thank the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change for making this blog necessary !  

Their complete nonsense (always wrong scary climate change predictions) follows in the next post. 

Try not to laugh. 

The IPCC has been repeating the same climate fairy tale since 1988 (although more hysterical each year) ... yet the current climate is wonderful. 

The biggest climate change since the mid-1970s is warmer winter nights in Siberia !  

That is good news.  

Our planet is also greening from more CO2 in the atmosphere.

More good news.

The current global warming trend, that actually began in the late 1600's, has been 100% good news since then.

But then I'm a Climate Realist, 
not a Climate Alarmist.
Richard Greene,
Ye Editor 
Bingham Farms, Michigan
TBW (trained by wife)