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Monday, August 16, 2021

Monday morning climate rap: The IPCC tells their climate fairy tale again

 A large problem with the IPCCs "climate astrology" is 33 consecutive years of always wrong wild guesses of the future climate.

They stacked the deck against natural causes of climate change, in progress for 4.5 billion years, back in 1995. 

That was the year the IPCC declared all natural causes of climate change to be "noise". 

The scientific explanation: "Because we say so.". 

Since then all climate change was blamed on humans (there was no other alternative!).

Another problem:
-- The past climate is "reconstructed" by ignoring all data showing more than small variations -- so the IPCC can pretend the climate barely changed before fossil fuels were burned.

In the era of rising CO2 levels, during the past 120 years, there are only a few decades when rising CO2 levels and rising global average temperatures had a strong positive correlation:

1975 to 2003 (28 years) , and

mid-2015 through 2020 (5.5 years)

That's 3.5 years of the past 120 years!

In the 800,000 years before 1900, the Vostok, Antarctica ice cores show temperature peaks led CO2 peaks by an average of 800 years. 

Meaning that temperature changes caused CO2 level causes, not vice versa.

Data from those ice cores must be useful, because they are still used to estimate CO2 levels prior to 1958, and the "pre-industrial" global average temperature. 

The key word is "estimate".

There is no evidence, from 4.5 million years ago, to 800,000 years ago, that CO2 was ever the "temperature control knob". 

The CO2 range in the past 4.5 billion years is estimated to have been from 280 ppm to 7,000 ppm. 

We are now at 415 ppm, closer to the bottom of that range.

In summary, the evidence that CO2 is the temperature control knob (as claimed by the IPCC, and all other Climate Alarmists) is no stronger than the evidence it is not.

Another problem with the IPCC:
-- Ignoring details of the ACTUAL global warming since the mid-1970s, by using a single global average temperature that not one person lives in.

Based on satellite data, most of the global warming in the past 45 years was in the Northern half of the Northern Hemisphere, mainly in the six coldest months of the year, and mainly at night.

Think of warmer winter nights in Siberia.

We have eight billion people who have lived in some, or all, of the global warming in the past 45 years.

What they think about the ACTUAL mild, harmless climate change they have lived with, is much more important than yet another wrong wild guess of FUTURE climate by the IPCC.

The coming global warming climate crisis was first predicted by oceanographer Roger Revelle and associates in 1957. 

The same prediction has been repeated 64 years in a row.

My theory is a climate crisis WAS coming ...
but got lost in New Jersey !