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Monday, August 2, 2021

Section 1, The Scientific Method

"The scientific method is a process of eliminating error in thinking and concepts by constantly subjecting concepts to rigorous testing using all available physical evidence that is appropriate.

As physical evidence changes, the concepts must be changed accordingly.

The 20th century began without theories of relativity or quantum mechanics, which upset classical physics, and belief that continents did not move.

Today, we make use of these concepts and are experiencing constant change in communications, electronics, and similar technologies.

Who knows what new developments may bring?

With dramatic change in our knowledge of the physical world, including science and science-based technology, such as nuclear weapons, scientists acquired political influence and responsibility.

There should be no issue as to the rigorous application of the scientific method, particularly by scientists employed or sponsored by the US government, who are responsible to the American public.

Political beliefs need to be set aside.

As Steven Koonin (the Chief Scientist of the Department of Energy under the Obama Administration), who is familiar with complex mathematical physics, mathematical modeling, and the IPCC process, wrote:

“Philip Handler, a former president of the National Academy of Sciences, identified the problem in a 1980 editorial that resonates eerily four decades later:

‘With scientists’ unique role comes a special responsibility.

We’re the only people who can bring objective science to the discussion, and that is our overriding ethical obligation.

Like judges, we’re obligated to put personal feelings aside as we do our job.

When we fail to do this, we usurp the public’s right to make informed choices and undermine their confidence in the entire scientific enterprise.

There’s nothing at all wrong with scientists as activists, but activism masquerading as The Science is pernicious.’” [Endnote (EN) # 1, p 10, Introduction]

Since the 1970s there has been a dramatic increase in evidence (data) on the greenhouse effect and how increasing greenhouse gases influence the earth’s atmosphere, thus the climate.

It is incumbent on government scientists and government sponsored scientists to apply the scientific method and incorporate these new data (evidence) in their reports, so they do not mislead the American public."