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Monday, August 2, 2021

Section 6, Going Forward:

"Scientific integrity requires that the Biden Administration employ the most rigorous application of the scientific method.

As shown above, observations using 21st century technology support certain concepts of the 20th century and demonstrate others to be false.

Scientific integrity requires that, the administration should not use long-range models for policy until the models reach the high standards for verification and validation met for modeling the reliability of nuclear weapons by Sandia National Laboratories;

or the standards required by the Apollo Team of scientists and engineers for manned lunar exploration. [EN 11 & 12]

Since there is no current physical evidence of dangerous global warming from greenhouse gases or their effects,

and no physical evidence of a climate crisis,

the administration should use atmospheric temperature trends and the MODTRAN and HITRAN databases to estimate the effects of increasing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

Further, the government should continue to

•    Monitor atmospheric temperatures as has been done for 40 years and

•    Monitor outgoing electromagnetic radiation as being done by the CERES project.

Above all, the Biden Administration should inform the public that there is no current threat, and that it is using the best science possible to monitor the situation to assure that a threat is not developing."

Sincerely yours, Kenneth Haapala,
President The Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP)
P.O Box 1126 Springfield, VA 22151,, 703-978-6025