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Wednesday, August 11, 2021

"Yesterday, during the height of summer, Greenland GAINED Enough Mass to Bury Central Park Under 2,200+ Feet of Ice"


" ... if you want proof of mainstream media obfuscation and agenda-driving drivel, you need look no further than their reporting of the Greenland ice sheet.

For the majority of this SMB season, snow and ice have been building across the world’s largest island at a prodigious rate.

Throughout this summer melt season so far, record daily GAINS have been a regular occurrence, including that literally “off the charts” gain we reported in late-May.

These unprecedented summer GAINS have pushed the ice sheet’s surface mass balance (SMB) –a calculation to determine the ‘health’ of a glacier– above the 1981-2010 average, where it remains today:

That’s right, despite the mainstream media's wild reporting and hyperbole re the 2 days of anomalous summer melt in late-July,

the Greenland ice sheet is currently in great health

— a state it has been in all season, and one it’s been in for the past five seasons (see below).

LiveScience were among the first to post the obfuscating nonsense:      

   “Massive melting event strikes Greenland after record heat wave,” reads a headline dated August 2–after the publication had been silent ALL year during the sheet’s record growth.

Soon, a horde of other publications leapt aboard the warm-mongering bandwagon, without a hint of a fact-check.

And as you might expect, TheGuardian were guilty of running the most spurious headline: “Greenland: enough ice melted on single day to cover Florida in 2 inches of water”–

but what is a person supposed to with that information?

There is no context?

Where were these publications during Greenland’s record snow and ice GAINS during this year’s melt season?

And where are they now, as the ice sheet bounces off that late-July loss to post another day of unprecedented summer GROWTH?

I can run spurious headlines, too — the 2 Gigatonnes gained yesterday, Aug 8, is indeed enough to bury Central Park, New York City under 682 meters (2,238 feet) of ice (Central Park is 4 kilometers long and 0.8 kilometers wide–do the math).

Also, why haven’t the likes of LiveScience and TheGuardian informed its readers of Greenland’s healthy SMB readings since 2016?"

If ever you want to convince someone ‘on the fence’ of the global warming scam, point them to the reporting of Greenland’s surface mass balance;

in fact, even the staunchest of alarmists can have no comeback to the blatant obfuscation and propagandizing."