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Friday, September 10, 2021

NOAA creates "hottest" Summer in 2021 by obviously "adjusting" numbers to be a mere +0.01 degrees warmer than Summer in 1936 = science fraud and politics !



NOAA data contradicts their headline -- Summer 1936 was hotter than Summer 2021: 

NOAA "adjusts" their "raw" (measured) data to show more warming when creating the "final" (adjusted) data they release to the public:
First chart below: 
Measured raw data versus final "adjusted" data
Second chart below:
NOAA adds +1.5 degrees C. of warming after 1980 with "adjustments" !
The last chart:
About 60% of "final" data are actually "fabricated" numbers -- temperature estimates, rather than real measurements!
This is government bureaucrat science fraud !   Politics, not real science.