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Saturday, September 18, 2021

Saturday afternoon climate rap; Those pesky climate computer games

Climate models do NOT have accurate global average temperature projections as a goal. That goal would be real science, not modern "climate junk science".

The primary goal of the models is to create climate change fear, to support predictions of a coming climate change crisis, that I have traced back to 1957 (Roger Revelle).  And they do exactly what they are intended to do.

Reasons for my conclusion:
(1) The average model (CMIP5) grossly over predicted the global warming rate, by more than 2x,

(2) The average model has not become more accurate over the past four decades, and the evidence so far is that the latest CMIP6 models, on average, will over predict global warming even MORE than the CMIP5 models did, and

(3) The one climate model that over predicts global warming by the least, meaning it is the most "accurate" -- the Russian IMN model -- does not get any special attention. It is binned together with dozens of other models, that ALL over predict global warming by even more than the IMN model does.

These three points support my conclusion that climate computer games were never intended for accurate climate predictions.

They are climate propaganda that seem very "scientific" to most people.  Unfortunately, most people do not realize that a computer program will project whatever the owner / programmers want to project.  They do not produce real data.

The climate computer games produce rapid, and potentially dangerous, global warming projections.  But no such warming has existed in the past 150 years.  Rapid, dangerous global warming only exists in one place: In the over active imaginations of leftist Climate Alarmists.