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Sunday, September 26, 2021

Sunday morning climate rap

The next article posted here is a very interesting presentation by a brilliant climate scientist, Richard Lindzen, Ph.D.. 

My own way of describing his message:
   Facts, data and logic did not create the belief in a coming global warming crisis, so facts, data and logic can not change those minds. 

I also often write that billions of people have lived with actual global warming for the past 45 years, since the mid-1970s, and it seems like they didn't even notice.

Yet in every one of those years, Climate Alarmists were predicting rapid, dangerous global warming ... that never showed up. 

In fact, those scary predictions began with oceanographer Roger Revelle in 1957 -- Al Gore's favorite scientist. 

If you have any sense, it is very obvious that "climate change" consists of nothing but always wrong predictions of a coming climate crisis that never shows up.

"Climate change" is a leftist religion, based only on a small amount of lab science, that shows CO2 added to the atmosphere is likely to cause mild, harmless global warming. 

And we have had mild, harmless global warming since 1975 ... but we also had global cooling from 1940 to 1975, as CO2 levels rose, the opposite of what is claimed about CO2 by the Alarmists.

There has never been a logical explanation for why CO2 did not cause warming in those 35 years, from 1940 to 1975. 

But for over two decades, I have watched government bureaucrats arbitrarily "revise" historical temperature data.

Today there is very little global cooling shown in the period from 1940 to 1975, that in the mid to late 1970s had been reported by government bureaucrats as -0.5 to -0.6 degrees C. global cooling. 

That arbitrary revision tells you a lot about the low integrity of government bureaucrat climate scientists.