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Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Tuesday afternoon climate rap -- climate change is nothing more than always wrong predictions of climate doom, that began in 1957

The biggest problem with "climate change" is that it is not real science at all.

There may be many scientists playing the climate fear game, but not with real science.

"Climate change" is repeated, always wrong predictions of a coming climate crisis. 

They began with oceanographer Roger Revelle in 1957, stated quietly, and with uncertainty.

Remember that 1957 was 17 years into a global cooling phase, that lasted until 1975, so in the 1950s and 1960s it would have been difficult to get media attention about a coming global warming crisis.

A global cooling period from 1940 to 1970, was originally stated by government officials (NCAR) as -0.5 to -0.6 degrees C., back in 1974.

That cooling has since been "adjusted" away, and almost no cooling remains -- inconvenient temperature data tend to gradually disappear, because they don't support the coming climate crisis narrative.

So we have been hearing about a coming global warming crisis for 64 years!  

The predictions were wrong for 64 years.  

Therefore, it is obvious climate scientists do not have the ability to predict the future climate.  

As a result of so many wrong predictions, the predictions of the future climate are not science at all -- they are climate astrology.

The climate models over predict global warming for a reason.

Their goal is to scare people, and support the coming global warming crisis narrative. 

Accurate predictions are obviously not a goal.  

If accuracy was a goal, the model that over-predicts global warming the least, the Russian INM model, would get the most attention. 

In fact, it gets almost no attention.

If accuracy was a goal, the average climate model would have been getting more accurate over the past four decades. 

In fact, it appears the latest batch of models, CMIP6, will be over predict global warming even more than that last batch, CMIP5.

Most important:
  Real climate science has to focus on past and present climate change, simply because no one has the ability to predict the future climate. 

A better understanding of exactly what caused climate change in the past is needed before climate predictions have a chance of being accurate.

There are eight billion witnesses for some, or all, of the ACTUAL global warming in the past 45 years. 

That warming was mild and harmless -- completely unlike the rapid and dangerous warming predicted by "climate scientists" in every year since 1957.

You can enjoy the current, wonderful climate, or fear some imaginary future climate crisis, that is always "coming" ... but never shows up.  Your choice.

The coming climate crisis can never be falsified, unlike real science.

How could you falsify something that's always coming in the future?