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Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Tuesday afternoon climate rap: The climate change religion

 I believe it is very important to discuss actual global warming since the mid-1970s, which has been mild and harmless ... 

 ... rather than debating imaginary FUTURE global warming, predicted to be rapid and dangerous  for the past 64 years, beginning with predictions made by oceanographer Roger Revelle in 1957.

The actual warming since the 1970s was strongest in the Northern half of the Northern Hemisphere, mainly during the six coldest months of the year, and mainly at night.  

Think about warmer winter nights in Siberia -- how is that a climate emergency?  

I'd say that was good news.

Add the measured from satellites greening of our planet, from more CO2 in the atmosphere, and the past 45 years of global warming adds up to good news.

If people want to ignore the global warming they have lived with, for up to 45 years, and want to believe the always wrong predictions of climate doom, nothing I can say will change their minds. 

The coming climate crisis is their religion, so facts, data and logic won't change their minds.  

Because their coming global warming crisis belief was not created with facts, data and logic in the first place.