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Saturday, January 22, 2022

NASA GISS, UK Met Office, RSS, UAH, all show global temps declining since 2016 ... and 2021 was an ‘imperceptible 0.134C warmer than the the 30-year average’, by Marc Morano


"All datasets including NASA GISS, UK Met Office & RSS, UAH satellites, show global temperatures declining since 2016

Warmists spin to conceal cooling temps in 2021

Flashback: Here we go again!

Media hypes alleged ‘Hottest year’ declarations

– Book excerpt - MIT climate scientist Dr. Richard Lindzen:

“If you can adjust temperatures to 2/10ths of a degree, it means it wasn’t certain to 2/10ths of a degree.”

- “We’re talking about less than a tenth of degree with an uncertainty of about a quarter of a degree.

Moreover, such small fluctuations—even if real—don’t change the fact that the trend for the past 20 years has been much less than models have predicted.”

Larry Hamlin:
NOAA published its global climate report for year end 2021 highlighting that its global temperature anomaly measurements showed 2021 being the sixth highest of its recorded measurements.

NOAA’s global annual measurement for 2021 was 0.84 degrees C.

… NOAA has exaggerated the importance of both monthly and annual temperature anomaly changes with as small a difference as +0.01 degrees C as a basis for climbing “hottest temperature ever” hype

as was done for the July 2021 temperature anomaly data even though the confidence level for this measurement is +/-0.19 degrees C.

More than 1/3rd of the monthly temperature anomaly measurements between 1992 and 2021 were adjusted upward by 0.01 degrees C just between NOAA’s August and November temperature anomaly update releases.

These large numbers of constantly on-going upward adjustments result in increasing changes in reported data values

with for example the highest annual global temperature anomaly measurement as reported originally for year-end 2016 increasing from 0.94 degrees C to 0.99 degrees C in the year-end 2021 report. …

In addition to NOAA’s global temperature anomaly decline since year end 2016

all other global temperature anomaly measurement systems used by climate scientists worldwide all show declining global temperature anomaly measurements during the period from 2016 through 2021

as shown in the graphs below for surface global temperature anomaly measurement systems from NASA GISS and UK Met Office and for satellite global temperature anomaly measurement systems from UAH and RSS respectively. 

NASA-GISS surface temperature:

HADcrut surface (UK Met Office:
UAH satellite:
RSS satellite:
Despite the usual climate alarmist grossly exaggerated hype by NOAA and NASA in their year 2021 annual reports trying to conceal the clearly obvious downward global temperature anomaly measurement trends

while global atmospheric CO2 levels are continuing to climb

the annual global temperature anomaly outcomes for year-end 2021 and the last six years do not support and in fact clearly dispute recent climate alarmist claims that we are in a “climate emergency” driven by man-made CO2 emissions.


“The annual average anomaly for 2021 was +0.134 deg. C above the 30-year mean (1991-2020), which places it as the 8th warmest year in the 43 year satellite record, behind 2016, 2020, 1998, 2019, 2017,2010, and 2015.”

You might also note that the satellite data begins in 1979, which just so happens to be the coldest period of the 20th Century.

At the time it was acknowledged that global temperatures had decline by 0.5C since 1940, which offsets most of the increase since 1979.

This decline in temperatures coincides with the cold phase of the Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation, which has been in warm phase since the 1990s and is soon due to revert to cold.”