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Wednesday, January 26, 2022

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Main points made at this blog:
- Climate science is not settled (science is never settled)
- The future climate has never been accurately predicted
- Predictions of a coming climate crisis began in 1957 
- Predictions assume the climate can only get worse 
- "Climate change" is just scary predictions, not reality
- Predictions of a future climate, unlike any past climate:
--- Faster global warming predicted than we had in the past
--- Runaway global warming from a water vapor positive feedback,
that never happened with past CO2 levels up to 10x higher than today
- CO2 above 400ppm is a mild greenhouse gas,  
likely to cause mild, harmless global warming,
- Global average temperatures were inaccurate 
before the use of weather satellite data in 1979
- The most warming since the 1970s 
was the warmer winter nights, in the higher 
(colder) latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere 
- Not one person lives in the global average temperature
- More CO2 in the atmosphere greens the planet
- Sun and wind power are unreliable, 
and expensive 
- Governments pay scientists 
to make scary climate predictions  
- Climate models predict whatever 
their owners want predicted
- So climate models are programmed  
to make scary predictions
- Climate models predict future warming  
at least 100% faster than past warming
- Creating climate fear allows 
governments to seize more power
- No one was harmed 
by the past 47 years 
of mild global warming
- U.S. extreme weather is
declining in the  long term.
including hurricanes, 
tornadoes and heatwaves
- Ye Editor lives in Michigan, 
and loves global warming
- His plants love having more CO2 
in the atmosphere
- His cat is sleeping on the couch,
and could not care less
 Richard Greene, since 1953
Bingham Farms, Michigan, since 1987
BS    State University of New York, at Albany
MBA  Stern School of Business, at New York University
TBW   (Trained By Wife)
 Audiophile, since 1965
 My favorite song today:  
   "In The Still Of The Night' 
         by Jane Monheit
My  three  other  blogs:
Economic  Logic, since 2008:
Finance and Economics
Election  Circus, since 2016:
Featuring news censored by social media.
Global  Warming  Fashion  Show, since 2015:
Featuring women's clothing for a warmer world 
***  New February 2022 show !  **** 
Climate  Related  Photographs: 
Personal  Photographs:
Home Office exterior -- three photos outside
  Home Office interior -- one photo looking out
Home Office interior -- entertainment system
  Office Secretary -- she can't type, but so what, I can type
Mr. Sneaky -- our office minority staff  (a black cat)
  Da Polar Bears -- official blog mascots 
Editor at his official office "desk", very busy "editing"

The "I Love Global Warming' T-shirt below explains how we should feel about our current climate -- the best climate for humans, animals and plants since the cold, late 1600s, during the Maunder Minimum period of low solar activity: 





Ye  Editor  at  work:

Ye  Editor's  political  views:

Comments  from  readers:

"This is my favorite science and energy blog.  I read it every morning, along with the Wall Street Journal."
"I read the honest climate blog every day of the week, and now men only pay attention to my mind."
"I start my day by eating a healthy breakfast, while reading the honest global warming chart blog, for a healthy mind."
"The honest climate blog is the best. Because we all love global warming here in Sweden."
"I study the honest climate blog every day. Now that I understand science, no one thinks of me as a dumb blonde anymore"
"Thanks to the honest climate blog, I decided to study science in college, instead of French literature."
appreciate real science much more than science fiction about a coming climate crisis, that never shows up." 
"I used to get nervous reading about imaginary coming climate crises in the New York Times.
Not any more. The real science in the Honest Global Warming Chart Blog has left me cool, calm and collected."