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Friday, January 28, 2022

This winter has been cold: Is This What A Mini-Ice Age Feels Like?


"A winter storm will impact 100 million people in the United States. That was last week.

This week is more of the same but with incredible cold added. In an elevated valley of northeast West Virginia on Saturday morning, 125 miles west of Washington, the temperature at a weather station in Canaan Valley plunged to -31F (-35C) — the coldest reading on record in that part of the state.

Unprecedented blizzards battered parts of Pakistan recently, including the hilltop town of Murree, where deep drifts and felled trees blocked roads, trapping thousands of vehicles and killing at least 23 people.

One Pakistani woman, trapped in her car for hours by the record snowfall, described how she “saw death” in front of her as she waited for help.

Samina said she left her home at 16:00 local time to travel to Murree but soon found herself among those trapped in the snow: “I could see death in front of me,” she said.

“It was like there were snow peaks built around our car… I can’t explain in words what I was going through. We were praying God may help us, and we shouldn’t perish in a snowstorm.”

Conditions conspired to dump 1.5m (5ft) of snow within just a few hours.

“It was unprecedented,” said Tariq Ullah, an official in the nearby town of Nathiagali.

“There were strong winds, uprooted trees, avalanches. People around were terrified.” Samina was finally rescued at 10:00 the following day.

Ten children were confirmed to have perished in the storm, and at least 13 others were not so lucky.

Over the weekend in India, heavy, record-breaking snow across the higher reaches of Himachal has brought life to a standstill,

blocking more than 730 roads, including four national highways;

shutting down more than 700 electricity transformers, mainly in Shimla, Lahaul-Spiti, and Chamba, which has caused widespread power outages;

and halting over 100 water supply systems.

Japan is being clobbered by snow.

Otoineppu Village, Hokkaido, for example, registered a whopping 31cm (a foot+) of snow during three hours last Wednesday.

Blizzards are continuing across northern and eastern Japan, and local weather officials warn of road closures and near-zero visibility.

As much as 70cm (2.3ft) of snow is forecast along with parts of the Sea of Japan for the next two days, including Tohoku, and up to 50cm (1.64ft) in Hokkaido and Niigata as of this writing.

Canadian refineries have been struggling in the freezing weather.

With temperatures ranging in the minus 50 C (minus 58F)  degree range.

Freezing lows were affecting the refinery’s ability “to crack the molecules to make gasoline or diesel.”

The extreme cold was also slowing operations at a refinery in Anacortes, Washington, and two storage terminals in Oregon–which ship throughout the area.

On top of that, the Trans-Mountain pipeline from Alberta to Burnaby is also not yet 100 percent back in action after November’s storm.

The City and Borough of Yakutat declared a ‘local disaster emergency ‘ this week, citing the imminent threat of roof collapse caused by high snow loads across the Southeast Alaska city.

In response, The National Guard deployed service members and vehicles via military airlift.

As reported by, Borough Manager Jon Erickson said Yakutat has seen 6 feet of snow over the past few weeks, causing intermittent power outages, damage to buildings, and school closures.

Are you getting the picture yet?

... This winter is only the opening act and will give many a taste of what our government and the press have been lying about.

As we shall all see this winter is that the real threat is not warming but dramatic cooling coupled with intense snow and continued ice buildup at the poles and in Greenland.

What kind of people would lie about such a thing and spit Nature in the face?

Bill Gates is such a person and he wonders why so many people think badly of him.

Crews at Wolf Creek Ski Area in Pagosa Springs undertook some serious shoveling this week after one of their snowcats was completely covered by the recent record-breaking snowfall.


Brian Fitzgerald, Mt. Washington Observatory’s director of science and education, said that Tuesday saw a record low temperature atop the mountain: -31F was registered, busting the old coldest January 11 on record — the -29F set in 2020.

The snow and cold ... is not fake cold nor fake snow, but many global warming fanatics wish it were.

And they will continue to pretend that the world will end soon from dramatic heat.

According to the captain of an icy cargo ship that recently docked in Russia, this story started with extreme winds and exceptionally low December temperatures.

Then, as the freighter drew closer to the port in Vladivostok, Russia, a crowd began to gather.

What they were watching was a colossal ship, along with all of its cargo, wholly encased in a thick coat of ice.

It sure looks like a perfect picture to promote man-made global warming and a CO2-induced apocalypse.

Between April and September, the South Pole averaged just -61.1C (-78F) — this was the region’s coldest 6-month spell ever recorded,

comfortably usurping its previous coldest’ winter ‘on record, the -60.6C (-77F) set back in 1976 (solar minimum of weak cycle 20).

More evidence modern civilization will expire from the heat.

We are experiencing record cold and snow, which means we need more energy to keep warm exactly when there is less to go around and what is available is sharply more expensive than last winter.

...  last week in America, it was snow from coast to coast.

Washington State’s
transportation department is still conducting clearing operations after 38 avalanches came down onto roadways in and around Snoqualmie, located just outside Seattle.

A record of 236 inches of snow besieged the region, breaking the previous record of 229 inches from January 3, 2006.

Gov. Jay Inslee declared a state of emergency after “a series of severe winter storms” that started December 17, caused record snow, flooding, evacuations, and road closures.

Aided by America’s unprecedented totals, that Snow Mass For The Northern Hemisphere chart keeps going up — its latest data-point (January 10) puts us at almost 500 Gigatons above the 1982-2012 average. ...