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Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Words of Wisdom that apply to climate science:

You know a man is successful,
when the newspapers
start quoting him on subjects
he knows nothing about.

The first step to wisdom is silence
-- the second is listening.

The truth of a matter,
is not determined by
how many people believe it.

The intelligent person
is not only open to new ideas
-- he looks for them.

Smart, is when you believe
only half of what you hear
-- brilliant, is when you know
which half.

Everyone is ignorant
-- only on different subjects.

The recipe for perpetual ignorance,
is to be satisfied with your opinions,
and content with your knowledge.

Some of the best arguments
are spoiled by people who know
what they are talking about.

Jumping to conclusions,
is not nearly as good
a mental exercise,
as digging for facts.

"Scientists say"
is often proved
to be a great liar.

A politician is a person,
who approaches
every problem
with an open mouth.
Not every question
has an answer.

A wise man changes his mind;
a fool, never.

Education requires a lot of books
-- wisdom requires a lot of time.
The first step to wisdom is silence
-- the second is listening.

Wise men think without talking;
fools talk without thinking.

A wise man has something to say;
a fool has to say something.

The truth of a matter,
is not determined by
how many people believe it.

A handful of common sense,
is worth a bushel of learning.

Intelligence is like a river
 -- the deeper it is,
the less noise it makes.

The intelligent person
is not only open to new ideas
-- he looks for them.

Smart, is when you believe
only half of what you hear
-- brilliant, is when you know
which half.

When you argue with a fool
-- two fools are arguing. 

A lot more wisdom here: