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Thursday, March 31, 2022

Ye Editor's energy rap: The next step for the Nut Zero project is obvious

Nut Zero needs a plan.

A very detailed plan for each state, that supports the existing generic long-winded vision statement for the nation, and arbitrary 2050 project completion date.

Such a plan is the starting point for engineering, timing and financial (cost estimates and budgets) feasibility studies.

Which must also include small scale pilot projects, perhaps for one city, or one region, to prove the Nut Zero goal is feasible for an entire nation.

Nut Zero itself is a green dreamer's plan to stop increasing the atmospheric CO2 level after 2050. 

The fact that there is no climate emergency, and more CO2 in the atmosphere would benefit life on our planet, is arbitrarily dismissed with the anti-science claim: "The science is settled".

The first step for the Nut Zero plan, after the glorious vision statement, is obvious:

Creating a list of excuses for why the Nut Zero project is failing to meet the arbitrary goals.

I have created some good Nut Zero is failing excuses, and tested them with a focus group. 

After a two hour open bar to relax the participants, and many door prizes to amuse them.

Here are the Top Four Contest Winners, and all other excuses that were voted on, with a show of hands.  

There were 10 participants, each allowed three votes, but somehow there were 32 votes, rather than 30.  So there will be an investigation. 

The question asked and the preliminary results:

"It's obvious a list of good excuses, for why the Nut Zero project is failing, must be the first step of the Nut Zero Plan.  

Please vote for your three favorites." 

Winner winner, chicken dinner:
"By doing a little every year, we allowed the Nut Zero project to completely overwhelm us."

Second place:

"The reason Nut Zero is not going according to plan, is that there never was a plan".

Third Place was a write in suggestion:
"We blame Trump for a four year delay".

Fourth place:
"During the Nut Zero project, we have discovered an alarming number of things we knew nothing about."

Other excuses in the poll:
"We have come so far, yet have so far to go." 

"The project is behind schedule, but less than we expected."

"While we are nowhere near Nut Zero completion, we do admire the many problems we have discovered along the way."
"We have collected lots of information about Nut Zero, that we don't know what to do with."
"The Nut Zero project has revealed a clear pattern of total unpredictability."
"Climate change delayed the Nut Zero project."
"The Nut Zero project is going very slowly, but at least we believe it is going in the right direction."

"We had too many problems, caused by having too many meetings, to discuss our many problems."

"Edison and Einstein were not on a schedule -- and they were not trying to save the planet, like we are."

"Nut Zero contained many good ideas, but few of them worked."
"Everything takes longer than expected, even when you expect it to take longer than expected."

"The Nut Zero goal was excellent -- only the basic assumptions were wrong."