The temperature of the planet has not changed much for the last 7 years 6 months. Climate Realists have pointed out that fact. But that statement is biased data mining. Climate Realists should know better.
Climate is a MINIMUM 30 year average of weather, not 7 years and 6 months. In addition, the 7 year 6 month period is biased by starting near the heat peak of an unusually large El Nino Pacific Ocean heat release, unrelated to CO2 emissions. There were only two such large El Nino's since 1979 in the UAH satellite record. It's curious that one of them just happens to be captured near the beginning of the 7 year 6 month period.
Based on UAH satellite data, this is real science:
"The linear warming trend since January, 1979 still stands at +0.13 C/decade (+0.12 C/decade over the global-averaged oceans, and +0.18 C/decade over global-averaged land)."
That +0.13 degrees C. per decade trend is considered to be large to have 100% natural causes. So it is reasonable to assume man made CO2 emissions caused some portion of the warming since 1979. How much, no one knows. That's the first lesson of climate science! "No one knows" is the correct answer to a lot of climate science questions.
We do know actual warming since the mid-1970s was harmless, at worst. The timing, and pattern, of that warming, was actually good news for many people. The most warming was in the higher, colder latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, mainly during the coldest six months of the year, and mainly at night (TMIN). Another 47 years of warming with a similar pattern, and timing, would be more good news. The prediction of a climate emergency is climate astrology, not climate science. And is not based on an extrapolation of the 1975 through 2020 global warming trend.
The second lesson of climate science is that humans have a very poor track record for predicting the future climate. For predictions of environmental doom, in general, which include climate predictions, the "batting average" is ZERO.
The fact that the global average temperature has not changed much over 7 years and 6 months tells us very little. There has been significant global warming since the cold 1690s, a period of low solar activity -- the Maunder Minimum -- during the Little Ice Age centuries. Probably +2 to +3 degrees C. warmer since then.
During that 325+ year global warming trend, since the 1690s, there were 35 years, from about 1940 to 1975, with significant global cooling. So significant that a few climate scientists predicted a coming global cooling crisis, which got a lot of media attention for them in 1974. Then, in 1975, a global warming trend began, that lasted at least until 2020. So much for climate predictions!
NOTE: The global cooling from about 1940 to 1975 has been "revised away" by government bureaucrats, because it did not support their narrative that CO2 causes dangerous global warming. The 1940 to 1975 cooling trend has "disappeared", which is the final lesson about climate science: Government bureaucrats may have science degrees, but they are more interested in leftist politics than climate science, which is summarized with this equation:
Science + Politics = Politics
By leftist politics, I mean creating fear (specifically the fear of CO2) to generate demands that the government 'do something'. Leftist politicians won't let a crisis go to waste. A fake crisis such as their imaginary "climate emergency", works just as well as a real crisis, if enough people believe it.
Unfortunately, even after living with harmless global warming since 1975, a lot of people "believe" in a coming climate change crisis. They have converted CO2 from the staff of almost all life on our planet (reality), into a satanic gas (fiction). That's the mark of a religion, not science. The demonization of CO2 was not based on facts, data and logic, so can not be refuted with facts data and logic.
"Climate change" is nothing more than 65 consecutive years of wrong climate predictions. Starting in science papers in the late 1950s, and then getting public attention in the 1980s, after the 1940 to 1975 global cooling trend ended.
Never stop reminding Climate Alarmists that wrong climate predictions are not climate science. The mass media should do that, but does not. The media have their "fact chokers", called fact checkers. Peer reviewers do the same thing to non-consensus scientists.
Climate information is being censored, but no one can hide the climate from people who live in it. We have reality on our side !