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Friday, May 20, 2022

Saturday night climate rap: Devious leftists turned beneficial CO2, the staff of life on our planet, into a satanic gas -- their evil boogeyman --- scary science fiction

A minuscule amount of CO2 does affect Earth's ability to cool itself. Especially the first 100ppm (0.01%) of CO2. But not much of an effect above the current 420 ppm (0.042%). 

This effect should mainly affect colder climates at night, in the colder months of the air (when the atmosphere is driest -- CO2 "competes" with the strongest greenhouse gas -- water vapor). And that is exactly what has happened in the Northern Hemisphere since 1975. The Southern Hemisphere, especially Antarctica, has had much less warming. Climate science is not settled.

CO2 is a greenhouse gas. More greenhouse gases in the troposphere should cause some global warming. But with at least 10 causes of climate change, the exact effect of CO2 is just a guess. 

We do know that ACTUAL global warming in the past 47 years has been good news -- think of warmer winter nights in Siberia as the "poster child". Another 47 years of similar warming would be more good news.  

The Climate Howlers ignore reality (CO2 emissions and global warming in the past) to concentrate on CO2 emissions and IMAGINED global warming in the future. With the same CO2 emissions inputs as 1975 to 2020, the Climate Howlers IMAGINE global warming 2x to 3x faster in the future, than in the past. Which means they imagine different temperature outputs (future vs. past) from the same CO2 emissions inputs. And that meets a common definition of insanity.

With climate change, we are dealing with insane people, whose beliefs can not be falsified with facts, data and logic. Because their irrational fears of the future climate were never created with facts, data and logic in the first place.

We live in the best climate for humans, animals, and especially plants (from more CO2 in the troposphere), since the Holocene Climate Optimum period ended about 5,000 years ago. 

We should be celebrating the current climate, with our plants cheering for more CO2 in the air. 

Instead, devious leftist politicians are abusing irrational fears of the future climate, that they have promoted since the 1980s, to increase government power, rules and regulations. Similar to how politicians exploited the Covid epidemic, and the War on Terrorism, to increase their power, and reduce our personal freedom. 

Leftist politicians never let a "crisis" go to waste. They'll even create a fake crisis for their personal use. The coming climate crisis is a fake crisis. Predictions began in the late 1950s, got much publicity since the 1980s, and became hysterical a few years ago. The coming climate crisis is PREDICTIONS, not reality.

NOTE: End of my Floyd. R. Turbo style ranting and raving. The audience may now wake up and stumble toward their parked cars.