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Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Biden climate advisor boasts ‘100 rules this year alone on appliances’ & urges ‘sustainable airlines’ – Warns industry ‘better be’ all in ‘or they’re gonna be out of here’


"White House National Climate Advisor & former EPA chief Gina McCarthy: "We have solutions that can deliver. We're actually going to do 100 rules this year alone on appliances, just like you asked. We are developing partnerships on how we work together for new building standards, even for sustainable airlines. Who'd a thunk that they'd be all in, but they better be, or they're gonna be out of here."

Climate Depot's Morano comment:
"Welcome the Dystopia USA 2022. The very last thing Americans need right now is a regulatory ambush of 100 additional climate 'rules' that would impact every major home appliance but do absolutely nothing for the climate.

After years of COVID lockdowns, mask and vaccine mandates, skyrocketing energy costs and now war, U.S. businesses do not need mandated government 'partnerships' to meet mythical climate 'standards.' The Biden administration's attempt to force so-called 'sustainable airlines' on the public -- or else -- is not a sane path forward."

White House National Climate Advisor & former EPA chief Gina McCarthy speaking on April 29, 2022, at Massachusetts Climate Summit at Tufts University:

McCarthy: “We have solutions that can deliver. We’re actually going to do 100 rules this year alone on appliances, just like you asked. We are developing partnerships on how we work together for new building standards, even for sustainable airlines. Who’d a thunk that they’d be all in, but they better be, or they’re gonna be out of here.”

Climate Leaders Call for Urgent Action, Focus on Equity – White House advisor Gina McCarthy, AG81, and Senator Ed Markey, H19, speak at Massachusetts Climate Summit 

“This is an important moment in time,” said Gina McCarthy, AG81, White House National Climate advisor. “This is an opportunity for us to really buckle down and realize that the future is in our hands right now.” … As the country moves toward “100% clean electricity, we know we cannot leave the major sources of pollution behind,” she said, “which is why we’ve gone after the strongest vehicle standards ever. All we need is some help with Congress to make sure that everybody can afford [an electric vehicle].” …

McCarthy and U.S. Senator Ed Markey, H19, both longtime champions for environmental action, shared the podium at the Tufts University event. Billed as “Confronting the Climate Crisis: Global Solutions, Local Action,” the event was hosted by Markey and organized by Tufts’ Office of Government & Community Relations, the Jonathan M. Tisch College of Civic Life, and The Fletcher School.

You wanna see insanity?
Watch Gina McCarthy in full flight.
 Lord, help us.
— Patrick Moore, Ph.D.
May 5, 2022

Biden’s Climate Czar Declares War on Kitchen Appliances – By Todd Starnes: “Climate advisor Gina McCarthy is waging a war on your appliances. The other day she told an audience at Tufts College the administration is implementing dozens of new rules on kitchen appliances. “We’re actually going to do 100 rules this year alone on appliances,” she boasted to the crowd. “Just like you asked.”  T

his is the same person – who last year – said there needed to be a crackdown on refrigerators. This is what the Green New Deal is going to look like in real life. Americans will soon be scrubbing out stains on a washboard and cooling food in an ice box.

Thanks to the Biden Administration, the border has been overrun, gas prices are at an all-time high, inflation is the worst in 40 years, and now — Americans are about to suffer from an outbreak of dishpan hands. In 2015, then-EPA Administrator McCarthy called out washing machines and dryers as the biggest energy users in American households."