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Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Climate Rap: The next two posts demonstrate imaginary official government climate scaremongering, unrelated to actual government climate data presented in 12 charts

I will present official charts that have been enhanced to be easier to read. They are still not as clear as I'd like, but I need new reading glasses, so that may be my fault.

Climate related data usually come from governments, or government funded scientists. Those data can change at will -- and almost all arbitrary changes of historical data create a steeper historical warming trend, or a steeper sea rise trend.

Best example: Arbitrary revisions completely eliminated significant global cooling from 1940 to 1975, as originally reported by NCAR in the mid-1970s. There was enough cooling so that a small minority of scientists predicted a coming global cooling crisis in 1974, and got a lot of media attention. These scary global cooling predictions began the trend of scientists seeking media attention by making scary temperature forecasts. What they wrote in their science papers was no longer good enough -- the public MUST BE WARNED. 

As if trying to prove humans could not predict the climate, the 1974 global cooling scaremongers were contradicted with a global warming trend, that began in 1975, When that trend became obvious in the 1980s, the coming global warming crisis predictions began. They have reached hysterical levels today.

While historical climate data may be "fixed", predictions of the FUTURE climate are unrelated to reported historical data, even after those data have been "massaged". The predictions are not mere rxtrapolations of past climate trends, which were harmless. They are scary predictions. Different temperature outputs from the same CO2 increase inputs.

PREDICTIONS of the future climate are n made by people with no ability to prdict the future climate. A few scientists began predicting a coming climate crisis from adding CO2 to the troposphere in 1957 in their science papers -- best known was Roger Revelle, a U.S. oceanographer, and Al Gore's hero.  

There were no specific numbers and timing for the warming effect of CO2. A wild guessed +/- 50% range number (+3.0 +/- 1.5 degrees C. per CO2 doubling ECS) was invented in the 1970s. It was adopted by the IPCC and barely changes until recently. It actually increased recently, even though the actual warming rate since the 1970s has been half the 1970's warming rate estimate. If you wild guess a CO2 doubling number, find out it over states the actual warming rate by 100%, why not wild guess am even bigger number to scare more people?


Climate change scaremongering is fiction -- leftist fear porn created to scare people into demanding that their government "do something" -- the words that always power hungry leftists want to hear.

The actual climate today is the best climate for humans, animals, and especially for plants, since the slightly warmer Holocene Climate Optimum ended about 5,000 years ago. 

The PREDICTIONS of a coming climate crisis, that began in 1957, grew louder in the 1980s, and became hysterical a few years ago, ARE NOT REALITY. They are merely PREDICTIONS made by people with no ability to predict the future climate, not even if the climate will be warmer or cooler in 100 years.

If there is ever a climate crisis in the future, it will not have been predicted, and it will more likely be a global cooling crisis, not global warming. Global cooling is more dangerous for human health and crop production.

If you are one of the over 500 visitors to this blog today, you should have the wisdom to know how rarely predictions of the future come true. For example, not one prediction of environmental doom since the 1960s actually happened.  

There was one climate prediction that was correct, made by me in 1997, after my first hour of studying climate science. I know it sounds like a joke, but it is a serious one line summary of climate science that is still relevant today:

"The Climate will get warmer,  
unless it gets colder."
Unfortunately I couldn't prove that prediction, 
so will not be winning a Nobel Prize!
My latest theory: 
I have a theory 
that it is impossible 
to prove anything, 
but I can't prove it. 

 Richard Greene, since 1953
Bingham Farms, Michigan, since 1987
BS    State University of New York, at Albany
MBA  Stern School of Business, at New York University
TBW   Trained By Wife 
LJA   Lame Jokes Academy participation trophy