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Sunday, May 8, 2022

Middle of the Night Climate Rap -- The IPCC is a political organization and their Report is the bible for climate scaremongering

IPCC wild guess predictions of the future climate, that have been wrong since 1988, are not science. Starting with the conclusion that global warming is controlled by the CO2 level, caused by man made CO2, and will be rapid and dangerous, so must be stopped is not science. Science does not start with a conclusion. The IPCC arbitrarily dismissing all natural causes of climate change as "noise" in 1995, is not science. The IPCC quoting climate computer games, that predict whatever the programmers want predicted, and have grossly over predicted the warming rate for 40 years, is not science.

The IPCC is a political organization that censors contrary data and opinions. The future climate can not be predicted -- the IPCC has proved that. There are no data for the future climate. Data-free predictions are not science, especially when they have been proven wrong decade after decade. Climate predictions can only be based on unproven theories and speculation. And that adds up to climate astrology, not climate science.

The "peer review" process is irrelevant for junk science that get published. IPCC reports are junk science that get published. So it is obvious the peer review process is not working.

Some people ask:  
"Why would anyone trust the IPCC's reports?"
A better question: 
"Why would anyone read the IPCC's reports?" 
They all say the same thing, which is anti-science circular reasoning, so there is no logical reason to read more than one IPCC report.

This is what they all say:  'Assuming global warming is man made and dangerous, we predict that future global warming will be man made and dangerous ... and will be worse than we claimed in our last report, so never mind our last report.' 

Every IPCC report is a tall, steaming pile of farm animal digestive waste products -- leftist political scaremongering based on junk science and wild guess speculation, pretending to be real science, by the use of the Appeal to Authority logical fallacy.

IPCC reports and climate computer games are tools used to create fear. Fear is used by leftists to increase government powers. That strategy was VERY obvious during the COVID scaremongering. It's also obvious with "climate change", with the scaremongering getting louder and more hysterical since the 1980s.

The only "climate" question leftists care about now:
How much money can we spend on Nut Zero?
No debate is allowed on climate science.
Leftists already have enough anti-CO2 zealots.

That's why accurate IPCC reports and computer games don't matter. Repeated wrong predictions of climate doom don't matter. The Climate Howlers will just make another 12 years to doom prediction when the last 12 year prediction of doom 'expires'. 

The belief in a coming climate crisis \was not created with facts, data and logic. Therefore, the belief can't be refuted with facts, data and logic. The best we can do is to point out, and ridicule, the 100+ years of wrong predictions of various imagined coming environmental crises that never show up. Don't try to debate Climate Howlers when you can ridicule and insult them !

Never forget that "climate change" is just a prediction of climate doom, and predictions are not reality. We have the advantage of living in reality. Reality is that our current climate may be the best climate for humans, animals, and especially for plants, since the Holocene Climate Optimum ended about 5,000 years ago. 

Reality is on our side. But we are fighting a climate religion, not climate science. And their bible is the Appeal to Authority IPCC Report. They own the historical climate data, and revise it at will. So It's an uphill battle against climate propaganda and scaremongering. I won't back down, and I hope you feel the same way.
Ye Editor