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Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Beware of anyone telling you that increasing CO2 ... is causing a climate crisis. They are either ignorant of the science, or dishonestly manipulating your thinking to advance their political agendas.

I changed the title using a quote from the article. CO2 and other greenhouse gases keep the planet warmer than it would otherwise be. The term "trapping heat" suggest that although it is not technically correct. There was no good reason for the author to call people "stupid" if they use the term "trapping heat". The terms that are much more misleading -- false -- are "carbon pollution" and "climate emergency". 

The author gives the impression the effect of CO2 is small and the science is settled on that issue. he does not specifically say that but does imply that. There is actually strong agreement that the initial effect of CO2 is small, although the definition of small varies. That's not the big debate -- Climate Howlers claim a water vapor positive feedback amplifies the initial relatively effect of CO2 by 2x to 4x. That science is not settled. And the disagreement is huge. 

I object to any implication that the long-term effect of CO2 enrichment including feedbacks is settled. I also object to any claim of harm from CO2 enrichment so far. There is no science supporting "climate emergency". There are only wild guess predictions of climate doom for the past 50 years, while actual climate change has been mild and pleasant.

As usual, my only job as Ye Editor here is to decide if authors know what they are talking about. I might change a title, or nitpick an article, but that does keeps me off the streets. Jim Steele is an authority on natural causes of climate change. Remember them? They were 100% responsible for about 4.5 billion years of climate change!  The IPCC "forgot" about natural causes of climate change in 1995. When you deliberately minimize natural causes of climate change, all climate change becomes "man made".
That is science fraud by the IPCC -- far more important than the click bait title of this climate realism article.
Ye Editor 


A Walk On The Natural Side: Media claims CO2 “traps heat”! A big lie or a big stupid ??? (

A Walk On The Natural Side blog, by Jim Steele