"The animation (gif) below shows Arctic ice extents on day 151 (end of May) from 2006 to yesterday 2022.
It is evident that typically there are some regional seas starting to melt by this date, whereas 2022 remains frozen solid. More detailed analysis is below, but note the 2022 surplus is 600k km2, or 5% above the 16 year average for day 151. That extra ice extent amounts to 0.6 Wadhams, or 6826 Manhattan Islands, whichever index you prefer. The graph below shows May 2022 daily ice extents compared to the 16-year average and some other years of note.
The black line shows during May on average Arctic ice extents decline ~1.8M km2 down to 11.7M km2. The 2022 cyan MASIE line only lost 1.3M km2, starting the month 141k km2 above average and on day 151 showed a surplus of 598k km2. The Sea Ice Index in orange (SII from NOAA) starter lower than MASIE, then ran over in later weeks, ending May nearly the same. The dark green line is average Arctic ice, excluding Bering and Okhotsk (B&O), which started melting early in 2022. The light green line is 2022 without B&O. As of day 151, the 2022 B&O extent matches the average B&O, so the ~600k km2 surplus is entirely in the core Arctic ocean.
Why is this important? All the claims of global climate emergency depend on dangerously higher temperatures, lower sea ice, and rising sea levels. The lack of additional warming is documented in a post Adios, Global Warming
The lack of acceleration in sea levels along coastlines has been discussed also. See USCS Warnings of Coastal Flooding
Also, a longer term perspective is informative:
The table below shows the distribution of Sea Ice on day 151 across the Arctic Regions, on average, this year and 2020.
Region | 2022151 | Day 151 Average | 2022-Ave. | 2021151 | 2022-2021 |
(0) Northern_Hemisphere | 12281289 | 11682840 | 598449 | 11605537 | 675752 |
(1) Beaufort_Sea | 1060171 | 1003588 | 56582 | 1034779 | 25392 |
(2) Chukchi_Sea | 894077 | 865036 | 29040 | 900868 | -6792 |
(3) East_Siberian_Sea | 1085478 | 1064424 | 21054 | 1051959 | 33520 |
(4) Laptev_Sea | 877340 | 824419 | 52921 | 738294 | 139047 |
(5) Kara_Sea | 870898 | 829705 | 41193 | 824068 | 46831 |
(6) Barents_Sea | 421071 | 305918 | 115153 | 325745 | 95326 |
(7) Greenland_Sea | 665639 | 562229 | 103411 | 615174 | 50465 |
(8) Baffin_Bay_Gulf_of_St._Lawrence | 976116 | 897470 | 78647 | 812548 | 163568 |
(9) Canadian_Archipelago | 854703 | 810848 | 43855 | 811040 | 43663 |
(10) Hudson_Bay | 1122388 | 1088994 | 33395 | 1084892 | 37496 |
(11) Central_Arctic | 3245183 | 3216568 | 28615 | 3232324 | 12859 |
(12) Bering_Sea | 116552 | 115657 | 895 | 89124 | 27428 |
(13) Baltic_Sea | 915 | 199 | 717 | 0 | 915 |
(14) Sea_of_Okhotsk | 89260 | 96309 | -7049 | 83572 | 5688 |
The overall surplus to average is 598k km2, (5%). The surplus is found in every region, except for a slight deficit in Okhotsk. Illustration by Eleanor Lutz shows Earth’s seasonal climate changes. If played in full screen, the four corners present views from top, bottom and sides. It is a visual representation of scientific datasets measuring Arctic ice extents."...