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Monday, June 6, 2022

Monday Morning Climate Rap: Climate Change is 99% politics and 1% science

The most important concept for climate science and energy use is understanding the difference between the green fantasies and reality. 
For example:
The global warming crisis has been "coming" for the past 65 years, starting with late 1950s science papers.
So, where is it?  

Climate Howlers have been pledging CO2 emissions output reductions since the 1980s.
But the rise of atmospheric CO2 levels continues.

Global primary energy use from fossil fuels was supposed to be going down for the past two decades.
But the latest estimate -- down -0.1 percentage point from 2009 to 2019 --- and -0.1 could be a rounding error.

The coming climate crisis beliefs -- publicized in the mass media since the 1980s -- and the "war on fossil fuels", are nothing more than fantasies, based on actual results so far. Fantasies that have little connection with reality.

For Nut Zero, China, India, Russia and every undeveloped nation, could not care less. Those are the nations that will have the fastest growth of CO2 emissions in future decades. 

The unprecedented increase of mining, manufacturing and construction for Nut Zero, will ACCELERATE the CO2 emissions growth rate. So the probability of reducing global CO2 emissions seems very near zero.

The most interesting aspect of climate change is that ACTUAL global warming in the past 47 years has been beneficial, even as the warnings of a coming climate crisis got louder, and more hysterical.

Colder nations in the higher latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere are warmer than in the 1970s -- mainly during the coldest six months of the year, and mainly at night (TMIN).  That's good news.  
In fact, the current climate on our planet is the best climate for humans, animals, and especially plants, since the warmer Holocene Climate Optimum ended about 5,000 years ago. Crop production has been rising for decades, partially  from more CO2 in the atmosphere.

Earth's climate is already wonderful, compared with the prior 5000 years. Another 47 years of global warming (following the 1975 to 2022 pattern) would be even better news.  For one example of the good news that few people would know: Major hurricanes in Earth in the past 12 months were near the lowest level in 42+ years of data:

Since the coming climate crisis is just a prediction, by people with no success predicting the future climate, it is a fake crisis.

There is certainly no current climate crisis, although it has not been warm enough here in Michigan this year, which I consider a "crisis". Although the past winter had the least snow, by far, of any winter since I moved here from New York in 1977, which I consider good news !

Since the coming climate crisis is a fake crisis, it must be a belief created for reasons that have nothing to do with science. A crisis, or coming crisis, whether real or fake, is a strategy for leftists to seize more political power. That has been their goal for over a century. And they have been too successful in recent years. Their goal is to create fear.  Fear causes most people to either demand that governments "do something", or at least to allow governments to seize more powers.

"Climate change" is a strategy used by leftists, to further their goal of micro-managing society with leftist government "experts".  There is a little science involved -- CO2 is a greenhouse gas, and more greenhouse gases in the troposphere should slightly reduce Earth's ability to cool itself.  But the always wrong wild guess predictions of a coming climate crisis are not science at all. They are politics. Wrong predictions are NEVER science. And science is NEVER settled.

"Climate change", is 99% politics (imaginary dangerous CAGW) and 1% science (actual harmless AGW).