While numbers are interesting, since numbers represent data, numbers are not that important for leftist politics and climate change scaremongering:
Numbers are not required. Data are not required. (There are no data for the future climate, just beliefs)
All that is required is effective propaganda. Coming from government bureaucrat "scientlsts" hired to make scary climate forecasts.
Many Americans are victims of the Appeal to Authority logical fallacy -- almost every leftist. and a few Republicans too. As a result, a majority of Americans believe in a coming climate crisis predicted by government bureaucrat "scientists" for the past 50 years.
Climate scaremongering could have been done without numbers. Unpleasant weather events can be demonized without any numbers.
Of course real science requires numbers.
But predictions of climate doom do not.
And if you want to have numbers, you can make them up. You just tell people manmade CO2 controls the climate. Having made that up. And that future climate change will be rapid and dangerous, having made that up too, about 50 years ago, with the rapid and dangerous prediction being wrong for the past 50 years. But people are still in fear of the future climate.
Almost 8 billion people don't need any numbers to know how the global warming since 1975 has affected their life, assuming they even noticed. I don't need any numbers to know if it is unusually warm or cold outdoors.
"Climate change" is a belief in a coming climate crisis. The predicted crisis is always coming, but never arrives. The belief in a coming crisis can exist without any numbers. In fact, too many numbers would be counterproductive -- if there is a number, there is a chance it can be proven to be a wrong number.
There are wild guessed numbers for the long term effects of CO2 levels doubling, but I imagine most "believers" don't know them. I know the old +3.0 degrees +/- 1.5 degrees C. wild guess for CO2 doubling from the 1970s, but don't remember the new, higher range with the CMIP6 computer games. In spite of reading up to one dozen climate and energy articles every day of the year.
Now that I have offended the "Climate Howlers", let me explain this from another point of view. Many people believe in God, heaven and hell. Their beliefs are based on faith. They have no science or numbers to support their beliefs. Similarly, many people believe CO2 is a satanic gas. They are part of the climate change religion. I see a strong similarity with conventional religions -- beliefs based on faith
Belef in God, heaven and hell would not be changed by numbers. Belief in a coming climate change crisis would not be changed by numbers, other than perhaps a decade of unusually cool weather.
And that might not work. After all, we had 47 years of mild, harmless global warming since 1975, with 47 years of predictions of rapid, dangerous global warming that never happened ... yet people STILL believe predictions that global warming is going to be a dangerous "climate emergency".