Dutch Police Fire Live Rounds at Anti-Green Agenda Protesters – Summit News
Claim tractor drove into officers, but video shows otherwise.
An official investigation is underway after Dutch police fired live shots at anti-green agenda protesters in the Netherlands.
The country has seen multiple unruly demonstrations across the nation in response to the government’s plan to cut nitrogen emissions by up to 95% by 2030.
Farmers say the policy will lead to at least 30% of Dutch farms being put out of business as they’re forced to cut the number of livestock by the same figure.
Anger has intensified after the government revealed the same nitrogen cuts, being proposed in the name of fighting climate change, won’t be applied to the airline industry.
The incident unfolded last night during a confrontation which took place in the northern town of Heerenveen.
Video footage shows officers shooting at a tractor which they claimed was trying to evade law enforcement.
Authorities claimed “tractor drivers attempted to drive into officers and service vehicles,” adding, “A threatening situation arose. Warning shots were fired and targeted shots were fired.”
The tractor was hit and the three suspects were arrested, with no injuries having occurred.
Video of the incident does not show the tractor attempting to “drive into officers.”
One of the suspects shot at by police was a 16-year-old boy.
Het zou gaan om de 16-jarige (!) Jouke, die al wegrijdend werd beschoten en nu vastzit in Leeuwarden. "Wilde gewoon naar huis, was het zat".
— Sietske Bergsma (@SBergsma) July 6, 2022
The National Criminal Investigation Department has launched an official inquiry into the incident.
So, uh…. Dutch farmers have purchased a tank to use to block distribution centres.
— Keean Bext(@TheRealKeean) July 5, 2022
Farmers have also purchased a tank which they are using to blockade distribution centers as a reminder to the public about what will happen if food supplies are drastically impacted by globalist climate change policies.
Police are violently pulling down blockades one by one, through the use of "Romeos" which I'll talk about later. (Basically police sanctioned ANTIFA). Shocking for a democracy, but this is Klaus Schwab country. Here is a snapshot from the front lines.
— Keean Bext(@TheRealKeean) July 5, 2022
Supermarket shelves are already running empty.
Dutch supermarkets today. No farms, no food. Dutch farmers wins.
— RadioGenova (@RadioGenova) July 5, 2022
“Fisherman in the country have also begun blocking ports in solidarity with the farmers,” reports Zero Hedge.
Farmers have also protested by pouring manure on government offices and outside the homes of ministers.
Dutch farmers protesting outside the home of the Minister for Nitrogen & Nature Policy against the govts plan to target the livestock sector with nitrogen emission cuts.
The plan could see up to 30% reduction in livestock farming & farms out of business.
— Marie Oakes (@TheMarieOakes) June 29, 2022
The Dutch protesters are pouring manure on government offices, flooding streets, and becoming all together ungovernable. This uprising is in response to the WEF controlled government shutting down farms to "save the planet." You have to see this:
— Keean Bext(@TheRealKeean) July 2, 2022
The shooting in Heerenveen is sure to be another flashpoint for further unrest.
Government attempts to impose their green agenda on farmers has led to a rash of suicides, with three farmers killing themselves in the last two weeks alone.
As we document in the video below, agent provocateurs have been caught on camera embedded within protests, presumably in an effort to spy on activist leaders or stage violent stunts.