THIS WEEK: By Ken Haapala, President, Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP)
The Supreme Court decision in West Virginia v. EPA is discussed, from a slightly different perspective than in most publications. The above quotation from William Happer is important. A thoughtless reaction by Congress may be incompetent and dishonest, regardless of the motives of the members.
A liberal icon, Constitutional Law Professor at Harvard Law School Laurence H. Tribe who advised President Obama in his presidential campaign filed litigation against Mr. Obama’s Clean Power Plan. In a 2014 essay in the Wall Street Journal, Tribe explained his personal views regarding the Constitutionality of Obama’s plan. Key details are discussed.
The vote in West Virginia v. EPA was 6 to 3. Justice Elena Kagan wrote the agreed upon dissent in which Justices Breyer and Sotomayor concurred. The dissent exposes assumptions that a sound democratic government should not make, and which may be exposed with proper debate. Statements by the current EPA administrator are presented.
Key points of the submission by Happer and Lindzen to the SEC that apply to the EPA decision are emphasized. Further, the forty-three-year record of global temperature trends in the lower troposphere is discussed. No other temperature trend record is as comprehensive, and this is where principal greenhouse gases reside. The failure of the EPA to evaluate this record brings into question the competence and honesty of that organization.
The latest data on world-wide carbon dioxide emissions is discussed, illustrating how irrelevant the Clean Power Plan is to worldwide carbon dioxide emissions.
Ecologist Jim Steele has another video clearly explaining important components of the earth’s weather system.
Manhattan Contrarian Francis Menton has selected a winner to his contest on which country or US state will hit the Green Energy Wall first.