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Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Wednesday climate rap: Climate models do not have accurate predictions as their goal

Most climate realist authors and many of their readers miss the obvious truth about climate models, by thinking like scientists and engineers -- like normal people. They do not think like leftist politicians and the scientists they hire to scare people.

This will be so obvious after you read my simple comment that you may be surprised. Don't feel bad that you did not think like a leftist in the past. To think like that, you take a conservative mind, delete reason and accountability, then fall down and hit your head on the sidewalk. While still dizzy, you may understand how a leftist thinks!

The truth is that accurate predictions are not a goal of the climate computer games. Their goal is to scare people.

They are programmed for predictions that are paid for by governments to scare people. Leftists know that most scared people will demand that their government "do something" about the coming (imaginary) climate crisis they believe in. Leftist politicians live to hear the demand to "do something". That demand justifies more government power, more government spending, more government mandates and more government subsidies to favored industries. In simple English, MORE GOVERNMENT control over the private sector and less personal freedom -- the dream of every leftist.

The COMING CLIMATE CRISIS DOES NOT HAVE TO BE REAL to scare people -- it just has to be believed by most people, and it is.

There has been over 40 years to refine climate model predictions, yet they are still not close to being accurate, on average, and they never will be, except by chance.

So far it seems CMIP6 models are predicting even faster global warming than CMIP5 models, on average, which significantly over predicted the rate of global warming in the past.

The government bureaucrat "scientists" do not care that past predictions were not accurate. They are not punished or criticized by the lamestream media. In fact, I suspect they would get fired if they predicted a rate of warming that extrapolated the mild harmless actual warming in the 1940 to 2022 period.

Finally, there is one climate model that least over predicts global warming -- the Russian INM model. Does that model get 99% of the attention? No, it gets no attention at all. Because accuracy does not matter.

If weather forecasters had 12 weather forecasting models, and one of them made better forecasts than the 11 others, would they ignore the most accurate model? Of course not. Because their weather predictions will be "found out" to be true, or false, in a few days. No waiting for many decades to find out if the predictions were right, or wrong, as with climate computer game predictions.

If you still believe climate models are intended for accurate predictions, please reply and state why. I have found no evidence that model owners care about accuracy, have had accuracy in the past, or get punished for inaccuracy. The Russian INM model owners might care, or they just had a lucky guess.