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Wednesday, September 14, 2022

UK: Climate Scaremongers Take Note: It Was Hotter In 1976 than in 2022


Climate Scaremongers Take Note: It Was Hotter In 1976! - Climate Change Dispatch

The BBC’s Justin Rowlatt was quite clear: ‘We know what is behind this – greenhouse gas emissions caused by our burning of fossil fuels like coal and gas,’ a message amplified across the media and stoked by the Met Office, who delighted in their red warnings and public health alerts. [bold, links added]

It was not only the heat. The Met Office claimed that this summer’s drought is a harbinger of the future we could expect, ably assisted by fraudulently misleading images of ‘dried up reservoirs’ on BBC News.

As many of us suspected all along, the summer of 2022 was not a record breaker at all, as it was much hotter in 1976, as the Central England Temperature Series makes clear:

Indeed it was hotter in 1826 and 2018, and this summer was no hotter than in 1995 and 2006.

You may recall how in July the BBC felt it their duty to lecture anybody who dared point out that the heatwave was much more intense in 1976.

According to the BBC, climate skeptics were spreading a ‘misleading comparison’.

Perhaps we should be grateful that we no longer seem to get the exceptionally cold summers that were commonplace in Victorian times. Years such as 1879, described by Countryfile magazine as ‘the disastrously wet year of 1879, when some crops were still uncut in November’.

And the drought? This summer ended up being the sixth driest on record.

The driest was 1995, followed in order by 1976, 1869, 1983, and 1887.

Dry summers occur every so often in England, and ‘climate change’ has nothing to do with it whatsoever.

The prize for the biggest hoax of the summer must go to the utterly discredited Sir David King, once Chief Scientific Adviser to Tony Blair.

On July 16, he advised LBC listeners: ‘Up to 10,000 excess deaths have to be anticipated during Monday and Tuesday’s heatwave.’

Given that average deaths for July in England and Wales are about 1,300 a day, an extra 10,000 in two days would be rather noticeable. Bodies would be piling up in the streets!

The reality was more mundane.

According to official data from the ONS, age-standardized mortality rates in July were not significantly different from July 2021 or previous years.

Meanwhile, death rates in July were the lowest of the year so far, something you would expect every summer:

For the record, excluding Covid, there were 42,970 deaths in England and Wales in July 2022, compared with 42,201 in July 2021.

While average summer temperatures may have risen since the mid-20thC, individual summers are not becoming hotter, or for that matter drier or more deadly.

But that won’t stop the BBC/Met Office from trying to convince us otherwise.