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Thursday, October 20, 2022

2022: Greenland ice surface mass balance above average for the fifth year out of the past seven years



DMI has this fake graph showing Greenland losing mass, based on gravity measurements. They state that the gravity measurements measure changes in ice mass, which is not true. “The GRACE satellites measure the total changes in ice mass” The gravity measurements measure changes in gravity, not changes in ice. Changes in gravity are much more likely caused by changes in the crust and mantle underneath the ice than by the ice itself. No attempt is made to account for changes in the rocks below the ice. “It should be noted that the changes in mass illustrated here have not been corrected for the changes in mass due to Glacial Isostatic Adjustment.”

Mass and Height Change: Polar Portal During the last ice age, Canada was buried under miles of ice. This pushed the crust down into the mantle under Canada and forced the crust upwards in surrounding regions like Greenland and the eastern US coast. Now that the glaciers are gone from Canada, the land is rebounding – causing Canada to rise and causing surrounding regions to sink. This 2010 paper hinted at why gravity measurements are useless for measuring ice. “The Greenland and West Antarctic ice caps are melting at half the speed previously predicted” “these results were not properly corrected for glacial isostatic adjustment, the phenomenon that the Earth’s crust rebounds as a result of the melting of the massive ice caps from the last major Ice Age around 20,000 years ago. These movements of the Earth’s crust have to be incorporated in the calculations, since these vertical movements change the Earth’s mass distribution and therefore also have an influence on the gravitational field.”