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Saturday, October 8, 2022

Climate Rap: CO2 is the ultimate boogeyman ! Yet there was no warming in the past eight years.

 Climate change is the popular term for catastrophic manmade global warming, often called CAGW.

CAGW (rapid dangerous global warming) is the ultimate boogeyman used to scare people into submission, under their governments.

Why is CO2 the ultimate boogeyman?

(1) CO2 is invisible

(2) Global warming of perhaps +1 degree C. since 1850 (172 years) is much too small for people to feel it

(3) CAGW has not happened yet -- it's always coming in the future -- It's just a prediction THAT HAS BEEN WRONG FOR OVER 50 YEARS

(4) The mass media is eager to blame any bad news on "climate change", from hurricanes to cancer. 

Although there was only one US hurricane so far this season, that fact (an unusually low number of 2022 hurricanes) was not reported. 

One 2022 hurricane in Florida, not the most powerful hurricane that ever made landfall in Florida, got 100% of the media attention.

(5) The government has hired many scientists to predict a coming climate crisis, and they have been doing so for over 50 years, as required by their "management". 

They know that most Americas are affected by the Appeal to Authority logical fallacy. 

Most Americans will believe whatever their government politicians and bureaucrats tell them.

Climate change is about how people in power lie to create fear and control people. 

Climate change is a climate fantasy -- it's not about climate reality. 

Climate reality is that there has been no global warming in the past 8 years (UAH satellite data -- see link below). 

That wonderful news was in none of the newspapers! 

Good news about the weather or climate is no news!

So perhaps you missed it?

The 8 year pause could be a very big deal. Or it could be a nothingburger followed by more global warming

No one knows.

But we all know the pause happened.

We know Nut Zero is a panic response to CAGW.

And we know in the past 8 years there was no CAGW.

In fact, there's no evidence of any global warming in the past 8 years!

The predictions about CAGW for the past 50 years were that CAGW was coming in the future. 

There WAS global warming from 1979 to 2016. 

The rate of global warming has always been predicted to be much faster in the future.

But, in fact, the rate of global warming has never accelerated.  

In fact, the rate of global warming fell to zero after 2016. 

That's an important fact because the pause reveals that CO2 is not the "control knob" of the global average temperature. 

The pause proves CO2 is not "control Knob" of the climate, just like that lack of global warming from 1940 to 1975, as CO2 levels rose.

The pause proves that predictions of CAGW have been unrelated to climate reality for the past eight years.

The pause does not prove the global warming since 1975 has ended. Although some people may jump to that conclusion.

UAH chart since 1979 and UAH pause chart: