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Thursday, November 3, 2022

Links to the best climate science and energy articles that I read today, November 3, 2022

 Click on any title to read the article:

COP27 Is About a Jet-Setting Elite Trying to Make a World of Fewer, Poorer People Who “Live Meagre Lives”, Says Ecologist

Despite Predictions, 2022 Hurricane Season Nears End with Below Normal Activity  Despite Predictions, 2022 Hurricane Season Nears End with Below Normal Activity - ClimateRealism

Carter 2.0: Energy Policy for Dummies   Carter 2.0: Energy Policy for Dummies - Climate Change Dispatch

Inconvenient Facts about Electric Vehicles, Part 1, by John Stossel   Inconvenient Facts (

UN Wants $4 to 6 Trillion Per Year To Fight Climate Change   UN Wants $4 to 6 Trillion Per Year To Fight Climate Change - Climate Change Dispatch

Energy crisis chips away at Europe's industrial might

Wall Street Journal: With the United Nations, Climate Doomsday Is Nigh—Again   With The United Nations, Climate Doomsday Is Nigh—Again - Climate Change Dispatch

Rishi Sunak U-turns and says he WILL attend Cop27 climate summit after ex-PM Boris Johnson revealed he will be going to event after being invited by Egyptian hosts - but King Charles STILL won't be going  Rishi Sunak U-turns and says he WILL attend Cop27 climate summit | Daily Mail Online

Gas Furnaces and Big Brother Revisited   Gas Furnaces and Big Brother Revisited - Master Resource

Biden Threatens Oil Companies with a Windfall Profits Tax—Again   Biden Threatens Oil Companies with a Windfall Profits Tax—Again - IER (

Australia:  No Defense: Chaotic Wind & Solar Prime Culprits for Massive Retail Power Price Hikes  No Defence: Chaotic Wind & Solar Prime Culprits For Massive Retail Power Price Hikes – STOP THESE THINGS