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Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Links to the best climate science and energy articles that I read today, November 30, 2022

The new global class war: Western elites' climate obsession is impoverishing the world's poorest  The new global class war - spiked (
Volkswagen Says EV Battery Plants ‘Practically Unviable’ in EU Due to Soaring Energy Costs  Volkswagen Says EV Battery Plants ‘Practically Unviable’ in EU Due to Soaring Energy Costs (

Record Snow Cover in South America Record Snow Cover In South America | Real Climate Science 

Australia’s Coldest Spring In Decades; China’s Record Arctic Outbreak Freezes Livestock, Traps Herders, Kills Road Workers; South Korea Shivers  Australia's Coldest Spring In Decades; China's Record Arctic Outbreak Freezes Livestock, Traps Herders, Kills Road Workers; South Korea Shivers; + Russia/Ukraine Planting Woes - Electroverse
Worldwide Record Cold Challenges Climate Rhetoric and Risks Lives   Worldwide Record Cold Challenges Climate Rhetoric and Risks Lives by Complacency   - CO2 Coalition
Shellenberger: U.N. Can’t Quit The Climate Apocalypse  Shellenberger: U.N. Can't Quit The Climate Apocalypse - Climate Change Dispatch
Doubt-Free, America's Schools Teach  Climate Change Propaganda  Doubt-Free, America's Schools Warm to Climate Activism | RealClearInvestigations
Netherlands to close up to 3,000 farms to comply with EU rules   Netherlands to close up to 3,000 farms to comply with EU rules (
Rail Strike Would Aid Joe Biden’s War on Coal   Rail Strike Would Aid Joe Biden’s War on Coal | RealClearEnergy
Leave Shell Alone: Oil and Gas for the Masses!   Leave Shell Alone: Oil and Gas for the Masses! - Master Resource
Wrong, WSJ and U.N., Data Show Climate Change Isn’t Threatening the Great Barrier Reef  Wrong, WSJ and U.N., Data Show Climate Change Isn’t Threatening the Great Barrier Reef - ClimateRealism
Subsidized Suicide: Wind & Solar Power Chaos Driving Britain’s Rocketing Power Prices   Subsidised Suicide: Wind & Solar Power Chaos Driving Britain’s Rocketing Power Prices – STOP THESE THINGS

Destruction By Energy Costs: Fivefold Higher Prices Cause Popular  German Hotel, Brewery to Close  Destruction By Energy Costs: Fivefold Higher Prices Cause Popular Hotel, Brewery To Close (