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Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Links to the best climate science and energy articles that I read today, November 9, 2022

Dramatic Recent Increase in U.K. Electric Vehicle Battery Explosions and Fires  Dramatic Recent Increase in U.K. Electric Vehicle Battery Explosions And Fires – The Daily Sceptic

‘Climate reparations’ won’t help developing world  Climate reparations’ won’t help the developing world - spiked (
Eco-loonyism: An upper-middle-class rite of passage   Eco-loonyism is an upper-middle-class rite of passage | The Spectator
A few graphs say it all for Weather-Dependent “Renewables”  A few graphs say it all for Weather-Dependent “Renewables” | edmhdotme (
Be Afraid! The climate is changing (as it always has) Be Afraid! The climate is changing (as it always has) - American Thinker
Deaths Related to Temperatures Are Declining, by H. Sterling Burnett, Ph.D.  That’s Right, Wall Street Journal, Deaths Related to Temperatures Are Declining - ClimateRealism
Climate Misinformation from the Biden Administration, by Roger Pielke, Ph.D.   Climate Misinformation from the Biden Administration (
Vancouver Sees Earliest Snowfall In 31 Years; Utah’s Snowpack As Much As 1417% Above Normal; + France’s Electricity Prices Surge as More Nuclear Plants Unexpectedly Go Offline   Vancouver Sees Earliest Snowfall In 31 Years; Utah's Snowpack As Much As 1417% Above Normal; + France's Electricity Prices Surge As More Nuclear Plants Unexpectedly Go Offline - Electroverse