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Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Thank You for three 1,000 page views days in a row -- a new record for this blog

I've had three 1000 page view days before, but not three in a row.  

This blog is my public service to help people understand the difference between real climate science and the always wrong predictions of climate doom from government bureaucrat "scientists", often believed to be science, by leftists, who are not very bright. This blog also gives me the opportunity to insult leftists, which my doctors insist is beneficial for my high blood pressure.  And it has worked!  My blood pressure has returned to normal after being elevated for almost 20 years, resistant to medications. 

I began studying climate science in 1997 and made my only climate prediction that day: "The climate will get warmer, unless it gets colder". That prediction may sound like one of my lame jokes -- which I insert randomly at this blog -- but it summarizes the climate history of our planet. 

In the past decade I added energy to my study of climate science, and I have developed two Iron Laws of Energy:
One bazillion windmills + no wind = No electricity
One bazillion solar panels + no sun = No electricity

My only regret is that from 1997 to 2014 (when I launched this blog) I wrote only two articles on climate change for my newsletter ECONOMIC LOGIC -- published from 1977 to 2020 -- the newsletter blog remains in business at  -- because I didn't believe many people would fall for climate change scaremongering. As a child I was taught that predictions are almost always wrong, so 100-year climate predictions meant nothing to me. But they scared a lot of leftists, acting like children listening to a scary campfire story.  I should have expected that. Because I knew it takes five leftists to change a burned-out light bulb.  One to hold the light bulb, and four to lift up the ladder and rotate it. 
Richard Greene, since 1953
Bingham Farms, Michigan, since 1987

Note: This blog will never use attractive women as click bait. Although one benefit of a warmer world is that women will wear fewer clothes -- as displayed in my monthly Global Warming Fashion Show:  Global Warming Fashion Show (