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Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Links to the best climate science and energy articles that I read today, December 13, 2022

Global Poll Shock: Four in 10 People Believe Climate Change is Mainly Due to Natural Causes   Global Poll Shock: Four in 10 People Believe Climate Change is Mainly Due to Natural Causes – The Daily Sceptic

When we need it, renewable energy is nowhere to be found   When we need it, renewable energy is nowhere to be found (
UK: Oxford’s highwayman campaign against motorists   Oxford's highwayman campaign against motorists | The Spectator
Netherlands to close up to 3,000 farms to comply with EU rules  Netherlands to close up to 3,000 farms to comply with EU rules (
UK Grid Operator Asks Coal Plants to Be Available for Backup   UK Grid Operator Asks Coal Plants To Be Available For Backup |
First Big Freeze Puts "Heavy Strain" On European Power Grids   First Big Freeze Puts "Heavy Strain" On European Power Grids | ZeroHedge
Why Supertanker Rates Are Suddenly Crashing  Why Supertanker Rates Are Suddenly Crashing |
The Oil Price Cap Continues to Baffle Traders   The Oil Price Cap Continues To Baffle Traders |
Five Reasons Why U.S. Shale Production Won't Soar In 2023  Five Reasons Why U.S. Shale Production Won't Soar In 2023 |
Russia Is Shipping More Than 3 Million Bpd of Crude to Asia   Russia Is Shipping More Than 3 Million Bpd Of Crude To Asia |
Climate Change will save lives and prevent heart attacks   Climate Change will save lives and prevent heart attacks « JoNova (
Green Fail: UK Grid Fires Up Coal Power Stations Amid Energy Crisis  Green Fail: UK Grid Fires Up Coal Power Stations Amid Energy Crisis (
Climate Expert: U.S. Extreme Weather In 2022 ‘Pretty Normal’  Climate Expert: U.S. Extreme Weather In 2022 'Pretty Normal' - Climate Change Dispatch
Drought in the Horn of Africa is NOT Due to Climate Change, Inside Climate News  Drought in the Horn of Africa is NOT Due to Climate Change, Inside Climate News - ClimateRealism
No-Brainer: Safe, Reliable & Affordable Nuclear Only Way To Avoid ‘Transition’ to Dark Ages   No-Brainer: Safe, Reliable & Affordable Nuclear Only Way To Avoid ‘Transition’ to Dark Ages – STOP THESE THINGS
Russia Plunges To -61C (-77.8F); Record-Cold And Snow-Chaos Hit The UK, Sending Energy Prices To Unprecedented Highs; Sierra Slammed With Snow, + Australia Busts 20+ Monthly Low Temperature Records   Russia Plunges To -61C (-77.8F); Record-Cold And Snow-Chaos Hit The UK, Sending Energy Prices To Unprecedented Highs; Sierra Slammed With Snow, More Threatens Central US; + Australia Busts 20+ Monthly Low Temperature Records - Electroverse