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Saturday, December 24, 2022

Links to the best climate science and energy articles that I read today, December 24, 2022

How Peer Review Became Censorship   How Peer Review Became Censorship – The Daily Sceptic

If You Think Modeling the Future is Dangerous, Try Modelling the Past   If You Think Modelling the Future is Dangerous, Try Modelling the Past – The Daily Sceptic
From the UK:  Australia Rejects Forest Biomass   Australia Rejects Forest Biomass | NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT (
The Great Travel Reset: Bloomberg: ‘Air Travel a Luxury for Many’ – “Flying has moved upmarket’ – ‘Reduced social mobility’   The Great Travel Reset: Bloomberg: ‘Air Travel a Luxury for Many’ – “Flying has moved upmarket’ – ‘Reduced social mobility’ | Climate Depot
Japan Embraces Nuclear Power, Cancels Phase Out Plans   Japan Embraces Nuclear Power, Cancels Phase Out Plans – Watts Up With That?
Yet Another Fake “Plastic Kills” Story  Yet Another “Plastic Kills” Story – Watts Up With That?
From Australia: New BS Coming soon: Climate change causes ice ages too  Coming soon: Climate change causes ice ages too « JoNova (
From Australia: The Settled Science of Abetting Public Nuisances   The Settled Science of Abetting Public Nuisances – Quadrant Online
New Myth: “More than half of Antarctica’s native species will likely disappear by the end of the century if global warming continues"    “will likely disappear” | Real Climate Science
Lieberman: Whales on losing side of wind energy   Lieberman: Whales on losing side of wind energy (
Oh, So That's How USPS Plans to Go Green By 2026   Oh, So That's How USPS Plans to Go Green By 2026 (
Climate Scientist John Christy: The Climate Real Deal   John Christy: The Climate Real Deal | Science Matters (