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Saturday, December 17, 2022

Links to the best climate science and energy articles that I read today, December 17, 2022

 Measurement Accuracy: Limitations of the Central Limit Theorem   Limitations of the Central Limit Theorem – Watts Up With That?

Arctic Report: primary productivity still high & sea ice flatline continues despite warmer temperatures   Arctic Report: primary productivity still high & sea ice flatline continues despite warmer temperatures | polarbearscience
Snow Continues To Build In Moscow; 1-Meter (3.3-Ft) Buries Kazakhstan City In 30-Hours; Tasmania’s Coldest December Day In 50-Years; UK Met Office Escalates Snow/Ice Warnings   Snow Continues To Build In Moscow; 1-Meter (3.3-Ft) Buries Kazakhstan City In 30-Hours; Tasmania's Coldest December Day In 50-Years; UK Met Office Escalates Snow/Ice Warnings; + America's Historic Arctic Blast Draws Nearer - Electroverse
Australia: Land Court’s Advice: Go Long on Candles   Land Court’s Advice: Go Long on Candles – Quadrant Online
Biden Admin Quietly Raises Price It’s Willing to Pay to Refill Oil Reserves   Biden Admin Quietly Raises The Price It’s Willing To Pay To Refill Oil Reserves | The Daily Caller
EXCLUSIVE POLL: Most Americans Won’t Pay More Than $10 To Fight Global Warming   EXCLUSIVE POLL: Most Americans Won’t Pay More Than $10 To Fight Global Warming | The Daily Caller
Why the Net Zero Policy is Illogical   Why the Net Zero Policy is Illogical – The Daily Sceptic
Oil Exports from Key Russian Port Cut in Half as Price Cap Kicks in   Oil Exports From Key Russian Port Cut In Half As Price Cap Kicks In | ZeroHedge
Green Vs Green: Endangered Flower May Wipe Out Nevada Lithium Mine   Green Vs Green: Endangered Flower May Wipe Out Nevada Lithium Mine | ZeroHedge
Liberals Who Ditch Tesla Should Be Aware Of 'Winter Range Anxiety' Among Other EVs   Liberals Who Ditch Tesla Should Be Aware Of 'Winter Range Anxiety' Among Other EVs | ZeroHedge
The Black Old Deal: Global Coal Demand Hits All Time High   The Black Old Deal: Global Coal Demand Hits All Time High | ZeroHedge
Electric Vehicle Charging in Oslo, Norway is Now More than Twice as Expensive as Filling Gas-Powered Vehicle   Electric Vehicle Charging in Oslo, Norway is Now More than Twice as Expensive as Filling Gas-Powered Vehicle (
We just paid Belgium 50 times the going rate to keep London's lights on – how did it come to this?   We just paid Belgium 50 times the going rate to keep London's lights on – how did it come to this? (
Germany’s Gas Reserves “Emptying at Record Speed” As Country Struggles to Keep Warm, Lights On  Germany’s Gas Reserves “Emptying At Record Speed” As Country Struggles To Keep Warm, Lights On (
CBS Boston Says Weather Impacts the Taste of Wine… Duh!   CBS Boston Says Weather Impacts the Taste of Wine… Duh! - ClimateRealism
Britain’s First New Coal Mine In 30 Years Criticized by Environmentalists   Britain’s First New Coal Mine In 30 Years Draws Criticism From Environmentalists |
‘Clean’ Energy Scourge: Wind Turbine Blades Shedding Tonnes of Toxic Microplastics   ‘Clean’ Energy Scourge: Wind Turbine Blades Shedding Tonnes of Toxic Microplastics – STOP THESE THINGS