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Saturday, January 7, 2023

Links to the best climate science and energy articles that I read today, January 7, 2023

Dodge Ram Reveals First EV Pickup To Take on Cybertruck   Dodge Ram Reveals First EV Pickup To Take On Cybertruck | ZeroHedge

US Natural Gas Prices Slide To 18-Month Low on Warm Spell; Some Models Forecast Cold Blast in Weeks   US NatGas Prices Slide To 18-Month Low On Warm Spell; Some Models Forecast Cold Blast In Weeks | ZeroHedge
Duke Energy Apologises for Winter Storm Renewable Energy Failure, Rolling Blackouts   Duke Energy Apologises for Winter Storm Renewable Energy Failure, Rolling Blackouts - Watts Up With That?
Green Energy Revolution? Oil Use Growing at a Million Barrels per Day Per Year   Green Energy Revolution? Oil Use Growing at a Million Barrels per Day Per Year - Watts Up With That?
Climate Divestment: Kentucky Boycotts Woke Anti-Fossil Fuel Banks   Climate Divestment: Kentucky Boycotts Woke Anti-Fossil Fuel Banks - Watts Up With That?
No matter how many turbines we build, no wind means no power   No matter how many turbines we build, no wind means no power - The Conservative Woman
The climate scaremongers: Extreme weather is not the new normal   The climate scaremongers: Extreme weather is the new normal - The Conservative Woman
Climate Change Weekly #457: Coalition Provides 2022 Climate Fact Check, by H. Sterling Burnett, Ph.D.   Climate Change Weekly #457: Coalition Provides 2022 Climate Fact Check – The Heartland Institute
From Australia: The Climate Council arose out of the ashes of the Climate Commission, which Tony Abbot sensibly disbanded in 2013 as a superfluous blight on sane debate.   Their ‘truth’ is the agenda, facts go hang – Quadrant Online