I've never been interested in glaciers but my property in Michigan was once under a huge glacier, and that would have been a problem if I'd lived here 20,000 years ago, because I can't ice skate. No balance. So I am personally happy that glaciers have been melting for a long time -- who needs glaciers anyway?
I suppose Antarctica is an important glacier, to keep sea level rise steady? Antarctica is not melting from more CO2 in the air and never will. Worldwide, glaciers cover about 10% of Earth's land area, and Antarctica accounts for about 85% of this total cover. By volume, Antarctica contains 90% of the world's glacier ice – enough ice to raise world sea level by almost 60 meters if it were all to melt, which it will not do from more CO2 in the atmosphere.
There is one serious mistake in a recent article on glaciers (see link below), with this statement: "The cool thing about “new” CAGW studies, is that they’ve usually already been debunked on WUWT."
In fact, very few CAGW "studies" can be debunked. That is the primary problem for Climate Realists like me trying to refute climate scaremongering (aka CAGW). The first problem is there are few real studies. Studies require data. What we call studies often do not contain data relevant to the time period being predicted. Because many "studies" are nothing more than wild guess predictions of the future climate. There are no data for the future climate. There are no data for the future. There are just speculative predictions, unproven theories and hand waving.
It is a fact that climate predictions in the past century have been almost entirely wrong -- a few predictions may seem "accurate", but only by chance. We know that extrapolating the past 30-to-50-year climate trends does NOT work as a prediction of the next 30-to-50-year climate trend.
The bottom line is predictions of the future climate are not studies. They are very likely to be wrong, based on past prediction inaccuracy. And wrong predictions are not science, even if made by real scientists. Unfortunately, it is impossible to debunk predictions without waiting a long time before you can definitively say: "YOU WERE WRONG $@#&$"
And that's the magic of the climate change religion -- it consists of wild guess, always wrong, scary predictions of climate doom -- not climate reality. A continuing series of always wrong predictions since the 1979 Charney Report made the first official wild guess of ECS (the effect of doubling CO2 levels).
The Climate Howlers throw mud on the wall and we Climate Realists can't clean it off fast enough. We Climate Realists are also hindered by some AGW (manmade climate change) deniers among us, who are unable to differentiate between AGW (pleasant and harmless warming) and CAGW (a leftist boogeyman fantasy). Some deny the greenhouse effect, and some claim CO2 has no greenhouse effect. That does not help our cause of refuting CAGW. It hurts our cause.
The Climate Howlers, on the other hand, are like the Star Trek Borg -- mind numbed robots who speak like trained parrots that have "memorized" all the government climate and energy talking points, whether real or imaginary. Mainly imaginary.
We Climate Realists have one BIG advantage: The Climate Howlers blather on and on about the future climate. But they do not control the climate.
And their scary climate predictions have had a growing gap versus climate reality. I have to hope that someday most people will begin to recognize the scary climate predictions as, to use a scientific term, a tall steaming pile of farm animal digestive waste products.
I've been trying to refute climate scaremongering for 25 years -- the past eight years with this climate science and energhy blog. I can only hope some minds have been changed with the 370,568 page views so far.
Don't fear the future climate.
Celebrate the current climate.
Climate does not get much better than this on our planet. Today's climate is the best climate for humans, animals, and especially plants, since the Holocene Climate Optimum period ended 5,000 years ago.
Don't let the pesky, bellowing leftists ruin the climate for you! They've already ruined everything else they've touched. And they are working on ruining electric grids now. We actually have politicians and bureaucrats redesigning electric grids. What could go wrong with that? How about everything?
Richard Greene
Ye Editor
Bingham Farms, Michigan
Where we LOVE global warming
A WUWT article that inspired this ranting and raving:
Glacial Armageddon! 2/3 to vanish by 2100! - Watts Up With That?