From the first draft of my May-June 2019 ECONOMIC LOGIC article, on the Mueller Report, currently titled "What the Mueller Report Left Out is Stunning!",
to be published in another week.
I managed to compare the Russian Collusion Delusion reporting with Climate Change reporting.
These first draft paragraphs are off topic, so probably would have been deleted for my second, final draft next week. Then they would have disappeared forever -- instead, I decided to preserve my original first draft thoughts here:
to be published in another week.
I managed to compare the Russian Collusion Delusion reporting with Climate Change reporting.
These first draft paragraphs are off topic, so probably would have been deleted for my second, final draft next week. Then they would have disappeared forever -- instead, I decided to preserve my original first draft thoughts here:
I expect most Democrats to continue believing Donald Trump colluded with Russians, and obstructed justice, forever after. Evidence of Trump committing any crime? None! But evidence does not matter to Democrats. Why base conclusions on boring evidence, when there are much more exciting false narratives to believe?
Truth is not a leftist value, especially if it stands in the way of gaining power. And leftists consider Saul Alinsky-style character attacks to be a debating strategy. I know that because I've observed how leftists behave on the subject of climate change since 1997. That same smarmy, leftist climate change behavior, has spread to all subjects, at least when others disagree with them.
"Climate change" is the evidence-free, science-free, claim that a climate catastrophe is coming, stated with great confidence for over 60 years, especially in the past 30 years. Meanwhile, the global average temperature barely changed from 1998 to 2018.
But you don't hear that fact in the leftist-biased mainstream media. They're too busy to check PAST, published predictions of doom. Because they have NEW, even scarier, predictions of doom to publish. And they will publish ANY scary claim about the future climate, no matter how bizarre, with no fact checking, while refusing to publicize anyone who is skeptical.
AOC said the world will 'end in 12 years'. Now Robert Francis "Beto" O' Rourke is saying 10 years. Do I hear 8 years, other Democrats? The incessant scaremongering about the future climate has been wrong for over 60 years, so far. Amazing that anyone believes that science-free nonsense !
Some Americans actually noticed the US average temperature from October 1, 2018, through April 30 2019, was the coldest October through April period in the past 100 years (based on average daily maximum temperatures recorded at all 1,218 United States Historical Climatology Network Stations).
The cold weather might explain why my climate science blog has become more popular this year, with 2,200 page views in the past month, in spite of more scary than ever global warming "campfire fairy tales" published in the mainstream media !