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Thursday, June 27, 2019

One Million Species Extinction is Proof that Climate Alarmists Are Very Gullible

An assessment report 
from the United Nations’ 
Intergovernmental Science-Policy 
Platform on Biodiversity 
and Ecosystem Services 
           ( IPBES ) 
predicts one million extinctions.

Like many UN claims, it is 
designed for gullible leftists
who automatically believe 
any claim that demonizes CO2,
no matter how stupid,
and this one is so stupid
I get annoyed having to 
write about it.

The report’s 
primary objective 
is very obviously 
to falsely blame humans 
for creating chaos.

The  IPBES report 
says the 
top three drivers 
of extinctions are 
land and sea use 
(general development, logging, mining, and harvesting), 
hunting and fishing 
(including trade), 
and climate change.

Climate change 
is complete nonsense.

Not one major land mammal 
that went extinct in the last 
10,000 years was due 
to climate change. 

It will be a miracle if the 
gradual change in climate 
causes any extinctions at all.

Only illegal hunting 
and habitat destruction 
threaten endangered species. 

Concerning hunting:
Past extinction has been due 
mainly to unregulated hunting 
and exploitation of specific 
species for trade.

Elephants, tigers, whales, 
and other mammals 
have faced extinction from 
illegal hunting.

The Tasmanian tiger is extinct 
because of excessive hunting.

Governments around the world 
have established thousands 
of protected wildlife areas, 
on land and sea.

Tigers are making 
a comeback in India. 

Polar bear numbers 
have increased dramatically 
over the past 50 years.

Blaming climate change 
for extinction is a made up
data-free "alternative fact".

The climate is changing 
much slower than the
computer games predicted.

And warmer temperatures
don't threaten species 
with extinction.

There is virtually no 
real evidence 
to support the IPBES’s 
computer game claims 
about species extinction 
driven by man made 
global warming.

It is a fictional story from playing
a computer game, where the code
is designed for the desired result.

The program predicts 
a huge number 
of new species 
will exist in the future,
created out of thin air, 
by a computer program,
and then predicts 
many of the new species
( that don't exist currently )
will die from climate change.

Key species in the sea,
and on land adapt well,
even to sharp changes 
in temperature. 

They survived greater warming
in the Holocene Climate Optimum 
( about 10,000 to 5,000 B.C. ).