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Saturday, June 22, 2019

Patrick Moore, PhD, former president of Greenpeace Canada, speaks up on SiriusXM radio

I don't believe 
I've ever found another
climate science PhD 
who I agree with more
than Mr. Moore.
That's why there are
so many direct quotes !
Ye Editor

Co-founder of Greenpeace,
Patrick Moore, PhD,
was also a former president 
of Greenpeace Canada.

Moore appeared
on SiriusXM’s 
Breitbart News Tonight 
for an interview with 
Rebecca Mansour 
and Joel Pollak.

“Fear has been used 
all through history 
to gain control 
of people’s minds 
and wallets and all else, 
and the climate catastrophe
is strictly a fear campaign.”

Moore added  
the claim human activity
rather than natural phenomena 
is primarily responsible for 
Earth’s changing climate 
- is also fueled by “guilt” that 
“you’re killing your children 
because you’re driving them
 in your SUV and 
emitting carbon dioxide 
into the atmosphere.”

Moore also talked about:

“the green movement 
creating stories 
that instill fear 
in the public” 

“media echo chamber 
... repeating it over and over
 and over again to everybody,” 

“green politicians 
who are buying scientists 
with government money 
to produce fear for them,
in the form of 

“the green businesses, 
the rent-seekers, 
and the crony capitalists, 
who are taking advantage 
of massive subsidies, 
huge tax write-offs, 
and government mandates
requiring their technologies, 
to make a fortune on this."

“And then, of course, 
you’ve got the scientists 
who are willingly, 
they’re basically hooked 
on government grants,” 

“Most of the scientists 
- put it in quotes, ‘scientists’
 - who are pushing 
this catastrophic theory
are getting paid 
by public money."

"Most of what these 
so-called scientists 
are doing is simply producing 
more fear, so that politicians 
can use it to control people’s 
minds, and get their votes, 
because some of the people 
are convinced, ‘Oh, this 
politician can save my kid 
from certain doom.’”

Left-wing activists
continue to claim 
      there is a: 
“97% scientific consensus”
in favor man made warming,
but that number
is a misrepresentation 
of an overview of 11,944 papers, 
from peer-reviewed journals. 

66.4% of those papers
expressed no opinion 
on the matter; 
the 97% number
refers only 
to the minority who did, 
and even that is disputed. 

The authors of the overview
emailed the papers’ 
29,083 authors, 
but only 4%
 of them responded 

Many of the authors identified
as endorsing the “consensus”, 
later spoke out to say 
the overview 
had misrepresented 
their position.

“It is the biggest lie 
since people thought 
the Earth was at
the center of the universe." 

"This is Galileo-type stuff,” 
Moore sid.

“If you remember, 
Galileo discovered that 
the sun was at the center 
of the solar system, and the 
Earth revolved around it." 

"He was sentenced to death
by the Catholic Church, and 
only because he recanted 
was he allowed to live
in house arrest, 
for the rest of his life.”

“This abomination 
that is occurring today 
in the climate issue 
is the biggest threat 
to the Enlightenment 
that has occurred
since Galileo."

"Nothing else comes close to it." 

"This is as bad a thing 
that has happened to science 
in the history of science." 

"It’s taking over science 
with superstition, and a 
kind of toxic combination 
of religion and political ideology." 

"There is no truth to this."

"It is a complete hoax and scam.”