After 22 years of reading
climate science articles
and studies, I don't believe
the invisible CO2 that
each of us breathes out
many thousands of times
per day, and which plants
use for photosynthesis, is a
"pollutant", or even a problem.
Greta "Thunderberg" has been
brainwashed and is being used
as the poster-child for the leftist
Speaking at the UN, she read:
“Adults keep saying we owe it
to the young people,
to give them hope.
But I don’t want your hope.
I don’t want you to be hopeful.
I want you to panic.
I want you to feel the fear
I feel every day.
I want you to act.
I want you to act as you
would in a crisis.
I want you to act as if
the house is on fire,
because it is.”
If the coming climate change
crisis was backed up by
real science, it would not need
a frightened, angry teenage girl
leading the charge.
Emotional appeals
detract from real science.
Please note that always wrong,
wild guess predictions
of a coming climate change
crisis, are NOT real science !
But that's all we have.
Plus a really angry teenager !
Greta "Thunderberg"
has a history
of depression and
other mental illness,
and makes
really emotional
and appeals
to “the world”.
Fact free, data free,
real science free,
emotional appeals.
Leftists are using
an emotionally
disturbed child
to act as their global
climate spokesperson.
Yet they falsely claim
to have the facts,
and the settled science
on their side !
Leftists are a group
that favors emotion
over reason, and are
unable to accept the
freedom for others
to express views
that differ from
their own.
If the science really is settled,
as if science is ever settled,
then why do we need
the thunder of the teenage
Greta "Thunderberg" cult ?
the thunder of the teenage