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Thursday, October 3, 2019

Asrtophysicist Nir Shaviv -- Plain talk about climate change alarmism

Professor Nir Shaviv, PhD 
is the chairman of the 
Racah Institute of Physics 
at the Hebrew University 
of Jerusalem.

His words below, 
were from: 

" ... my research 
as an astrophysicist 
led me to the conclusion 
that climate change 
is more complicated 
than we are led to believe. 

" ... the story we hear in the media, 
(is) that most 20th-century warming 
is anthropogenic (man made), 
that the climate is very sensitive 
to changes in CO2, and that 
future warming will, therefore, 
be large and will happen very soon, 
simply isn’t supported by a
ny direct evidence, only a 
shaky line of circular reasoning." 

"We “know” that humans 
must have caused some warming, 
we see warming, we don’t know 
of anything else that could have 
caused the warming, so it adds up."

"However, there is no calculation 
based on first principles that leads 
to a large warming by CO2—none." 

" ... the Intergovernmental Panel 
on Climate Change (IPCC) reports 
state that doubling CO2 
will increase the temperatures 
by anywhere from +1.5 degrees 
to +4.5 degrees C, a huge range 
of uncertainty that dates back 
to the Charney committee 
from 1979."

"In fact, there is no evidence 
on any time scale showing that 
CO2 variations or other changes 
to the energy budget cause 
large temperature variations."

"Since solar activity significantly 
increased over the 20th century, 
a significant fraction of the warming 
should be then attributed to the sun, 
and because the overall change 
in the radiative forcing due to CO2 
and solar activity is much larger, 
climate sensitivity should be 
on the low side ( about +1 to +1.5 
degrees C per CO2 doubling )."

" ... the climate community 
developed a blind spot 
to any evidence that 
should raise a red flag ..."

"A few hours after the article 
was posted online (Forbes), 
it was removed by the editors 
“for failing to meet our 
editorial standards.” "

"The fact that it’s become 
politically incorrect to have 
any scientific discussion 
has led the public to accept 
the pseudo-argumentation 
supporting the catastrophic 
(climate change) scenarios."

"Evidence for warming 
doesn’t tell us what caused 
the warming, and any time 
someone has to appeal 
to the so-called 
97 percent consensus, 
he or she is doing so 
because his or her 
scientific arguments 
aren’t strong enough. 
Science isn’t a democracy. "