Earlier this year
China announced
subsidies for 22.79 GW,
half the amount approved
in 2017, at 53 GW.
In January 2019, Beijing said
it will only approve solar power
projects cost-competitive
with coal.
Another issue was China’s
solar and wind farms produce
electricity that is wasted
because there is not enough
transmission capacity.
Renewable energy should be
a top priority for China, who's
cities have among the worst
air pollution levels in the world,
-- maybe India is worse.
China imports a lot
oil and gas.
To cut imports in the future,
has substantially increased
subsidies for shale gas exploration
and methane separation from coal.
China is the largest clean energy
market in the world.
But wind and solar accounted for
only 5.2% and 2.5% of China’s
2018 power generation.