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Friday, October 11, 2019

The IPCC's latest work of fiction on sea level rise, refuted in 10 minutes with one hand tied behind my back

90% of the world’s ice 
(29 million cubic kilometers) 
and approximately 80% 
of its fresh water, 
is locked up in the 
Antarctic ice sheet. 

The IPCC’s latest serving
of climate crisis fiction,
was released in
late September 2019,
just before the UN General 
Assembly met in New York.

The UN's IPCC was created 
in 1988 by the United Nations 
Environment Programme 
                 ( UN Environment ) 
and the World Meteorological 
Organization (WMO).

Most of its 18 staff seem to be 
“communications and media 
specialists” or administrators. 

The IPCC does not 
conduct its own research.

Over September 20 – 23, 
the IPCC met in Monaco 
to consider its latest fiction --
a 173-page Special Report 
on the Ocean and Cryosphere 
in a Changing Climate

The Final Draft, 
we are told, 
was prepared 
by 104 authors
from 36 countries.

The SROCC has 
6,981 publications 
listed as references.

The SROCC’s key findings 
are in a 42-page Summary
for Policymakers (SPM),
by 49 “drafting authors”, 
under the joint scientific 
leadership of IPCC 
Working Groups I and II.

The real mystery 
is why so many 
researchers choose 
to remain silent 
about always wrong
climate modeler 

I did not read 
the IPCC report.

Because I have 
little interest
in reading fiction
( aka: climate porn ).

What I did 
was to check 
the latest NOAA 
tide gauge data
to see if there was any
evidence that sea level rise,
ongoing for 20,000 years
(+400 feet so far) has
accelerated since humans
started adding lots of CO2
to the air ( after 1950 ).

There is no sign 
in the tide gauge charts
that sea level rise has 
accelerated in response
to higher CO2 levels:

Here are tide gauges 
with long term records:

Links to the above data: