There are three choices
for how to think about
the future climate
on our planet:
(1), for science deniers,
assume a coming climate crisis.
(2), for science believers,
understand that no one knows.
(3), for a reasonable guess,
without saying "I don't know",
which turns off most people,
assume past intermittent,
mild global warming,
happening since
the late 1600s,
will continue.
the late 1600s,
will continue.
(4), for old timers like me,
complain about the weather
every single day ( heh heh )
For science deniers:
Adopt Greta"Thunderberg"
style anger, based on
total belief in
the most scary
climate forecasts,
without question.
For science believers:
No one knows
the future climate.
Many decades
of wrong predictions
are evidence of that.
We are living in the
fifth warm interglacial
period in the past 500
thousand years.
( Holocene interglacial )
It could end at any time,
and roughly 90,000
cold years are expected
to follow -- cold that
most people will hate,
except ski bums.
If humans make the
planet warmer now,
that would delay
the unpleasant
cold weather
after the Holocene
interglacial ends.
For a reasonable guess,
which I use at this blog:
Examine actual global warming
since the late 1600s.
It was intermittent, and mild.
Examine actual global warming
in the past 100 years, as humans
added CO2 to the atmosphere.
Also intermittent, and mild.
Consider the worst case:
-- Blame ALL global warming
since 1940 on man made
CO2, with no scientific proof
any of that warming
was caused by CO2.
The IPCC claims "over 50%"
of that warming is man made,
but let's assume 100%,
for now.
The planet is roughly
+0.5 degrees C. warmer
from 1940, to the end
of 2018.
The warming
was intermittent
-- no warming from 1940
through 1975 -- and mild,
considering the whole
78 year period from 1940.
Ignore the 30+ years
of scary forecasts,
for rapid, dangerous
global warming,
completely unlike
past global warming.
Assume intermittent,
mild global warming
will continue, and then
tell the climate change
scaremongers that
you are tired of hearing
their climate fairy tales,
that started over 50 years
ago, and ramped up a lot,
starting about 30 years ago.