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Thursday, December 19, 2019

A little knowledge of climate science, which is common, can easily lead to wrong conclusions

The climate of our planet 
rarely gets better than 
it is today for humans, 
and outdoors animals.

The Climate Change Cult 
is unable to enjoy 
our wonderful climate.

Because they bought into 
the "Climate Change Religion".

That "religion" consists of
gullible people who think 
"experts" can predict 
the future climate,
which they have been 
failing at since 1957 
( starting with Roger Revelle ):

... grossly over predicting 
global warming -- predicting 
2x to 3x actual warming, 

... being unable to logically explain 
why CO2 increased, yet there was 
global cooling from 1940 to 1975, 
rather than global warming, and 

... being unable to explain 
why there was global warming
from 1910 to 1940, in spite of 
a very tiny CO2 increase.

The Climate Change Cult 
is unable to explain 
past climate changes, 
and has made 
grossly inaccurate 
temperature predictions,
for over 60 years,
yet almost all leftists 
believe their 
"climate leaders" 
can predict the global 
average temperature 
100 years in the future !

They believe all scary 
predictions because 
"climate change", 
their "religion", 
is unrelated to 
real climate science !

People who believe 
one hundred year 
(or 50 year, or 10 year) 
climate predictions, 
are climate science 

They ignore reality
(the climate they live in)
and believe scary
climate fairy tales
of the future climate.

Even when stated by
a teen age high school
dropout, who suffers from 
several mental diseases !

A few years ago, only a
scientist with a PhD 
could "sell" the coming
climate change crisis
fairy tales, like the 
new "12 years to go" 
claim !

Note: I never claimed 
to be polite about climate
change scaremongers,
because they are no
different than any other
liars ... and I do not like
to be lied to, whether 
about Iraqi weapons 
of mass destruction, 
Russian collusion, 
or about the coming 
climate crisis.  

The climate 
of our planet 
is always changing, 
and has done so 
for 4.5 billion years.

In the past 
one million years, 
there were 
many 100,000 
year cycles: 
 Our planet 
is cold for about 
90,000 years, 
and warm for about 
10,000 years.

We happen to live 
in one of those roughly 
10,000 year long 
warm periods, called 
the Holocene interglacial.

In the past 
10,000 years, 
we have had many 
year periods 
of mild cooling, 
followed by 
year periods 
of mild warming.

People liked 
the warm periods, 
and disliked, and 
sometimes hated, 
the cold periods.

I'm talking about 
mild climate cycles 
within the Holocene 

The last multi-century 
cool period reached 
the coldest point in 
the 1690s, 
that people 
at the time hated, 
especially those 
affected by the 
famines in Europe.

We've had 
about 325 years 
of intermittent 
global warming 
since the 1690s.

Then something 
new happened
 -- people began 
recording their 
real time surface
allowing compilation 
of a global average
temperature, DURING 
that warming trend.

with almost 
no Southern 
data before 1920, 
and too little
before 1950.

Meaning we have non-global 
surface temperature data 
until around 1950, but we 
have to live with that fact.

Global average 
made since 1880, 
were all made 
a warming trend.

So, as the 
warming trend
continues, new 
"highest on record" 
temperatures are 

New "records" 
will continue until 
the warming trend 
ends, and a cooling 
trend begins.

Each "highest on record" 
temperature should be
treated as nothing more
than EXPECTED news.

NOT surprising news.

NOT bad news.

New highest on record 
temperatures mean 
only one thing: 
  Our planet continues 
to warm from the very
unpopular Little Ice Age 
period, that was coldest 
in the 1690s.

In fact, that 325 years 
of warming, since the
1690s, has been 
great news, because 
the ONLY alternative 
is cooling.

Our planet's temperature 
does NOT stay constant 
-- because the planet 
is not in thermodynamic 
equilibrium, to be specific.

So we either get warming
or cooling trends, and 
I prefer a warming trend !

According to 
Vostok, Antarctica 
ice core studies, 
no warming trend 
on our planet has
ever been permanent.

A cooling trend 
has always followed 
a warming trend.

In fact, Canada was under 
a mile+ thick ice glacier 
just 20,000 years ago.

People with sense
should be enjoying 
the current climate, 
which is 
the best climate 
for humans in 800 to 
1,000 years (before the 
Little Ice Age centuries).

Your life in 2020 
will not be ruined 
if every day 
happened to be 
slightly warmer
than the same day
of the year in 2019.

By the way,
Arctic sea ice 
has been stable for 
the past 12 years, 
and it would not matter 
if all Arctic ice melted 
-- floating Arctic ice 
does not raise sea level 
when it melts.

Of course I accept 
real science, and 
I even have 
a BS degree. 

But very little 
real science 
backs coming 
climate crisis 

The predictions are 
nothing more than 
wild guesses, always 
wrong (since 1957), 
about the future climate.

       ARE  NOT  

The only real science 
is closed system 
infrared spectroscopy 
lab experiments, 
using artificially 
dried air, that suggest 
CO2 is a mild, harmless 
greenhouse gas. 

They suggest, 
but do not prove, 
that doubling 
of the CO2 level 
(+100%), which 
is likely to take 
over 100 years, 
might cause 
a +1 degree C. 
global average 
which would be 
totally harmless.

I'd love that 
+1 degree C. 
warming to
happen right now 
in Michigan, USA, 
where I live, please, 
not in 100 years !  

Where the HIGH 
temperature today, 
December 18, 2019, 
is projected to be 
only 25 degree F. 
= far too cold !

And the past 12 months,
ending December 18, 2019,
seem to have been the coldest
12 month period since I moved
to Michigan in 1977, living in 
the same home since 1987,
and living just a few miles south
of here from 1980 to 1987.

Where, oh where, is that 
global warming ?

CO2 effects in the actual 
atmosphere are unknown.

In the atmosphere, the 
strongest greenhouse gas, 
by far, is water vapor, 
and the water vapor 
concentration varies 
a lot.

Lab experiments with CO2
use artificially dried air 
because water vapor and 
CO2 both affect some of 
the same wavelengths
of infrared energy
( the energy that is 
released into space 
to cool our planet -- that 
cooling process is slowed 
by some amount by the
greenhouse gasses 
in the atmosphere ).

Manmade CO2 from 
burning fossil fuels 
has been significantly 
increased the atmospheric 
CO2 level, since the trough 
of the Great Recession in 1932.

US Real GDP grew about 40% 
in four years, from 1932 to 1936.

Meaning US CO2 emissions 
have been rising since 1932.

Global CO2 emissions 
significantly ramped up 
after 1950.

But there was 
no global warming 
until 1975 ?

Of the 4.5 billion years 
of Earth's existence, 
only 30 years 
-- 1975 to 2005 -- 
had a significant rise 
of average temperatures, 
and man made CO2 levels, 
at the same time.

Just 30 years, 
out of 4.5 billion years 
of climate change, 
is far too few years 
to know, or guess
the actual effect
of adding CO2 
to the atmosphere.

Here's what the 
Climate Change Cult 
claims is true:

They claim 
4.5 billion years 
of climate change, 
from only 
natural causes, 
magically ended 
in some year 
during the 20th century, 
and from that year on, 
ONLY man made 
CO2 levels controlled 
the global average 

Here'e the infamous
Climate Change Cult 
explanation for WHY
that"climate miracle"

        HOW DARE YOU 
( they have no  explanation ! ) 

Here's the 
Climate Change Cult 
explanation for HOW 
that happened:
         HOW DARE YOU 
( they have no  explanation ! ) 

Here'e the 
Climate Change Cult 
explanation for WHEN 
that happened:
         HOW DARE YOU 
( they have no  explanation ! ) 

In the past 500,000 years, 
based on ice core studies, 
temperature peaks happened 
hundreds of years BEFORE 
the CO2 level peaks 
-- which is strong evidence
that temperature changes 
CAUSED CO2 level changes.

Much of real science 
is unanswered questions.

Only junk science 
has "all the answers"
-- always confident, 
but always wrong !

The coming 
climate crisis 
has been predicted 
since 1957, by 
some scientists, 
but never shows up.

Wrong predictions 
are junk science.

Many people falsely claim 
they KNOW the future climate.

Many people falsely claim 
future climate change 
MUST BE bad news.

Those claims are false, 
and it doesn't matter 
if they are claimed 
by someone with 
a science PhD,
or everyone with 
a science PhD !

We have had 325 years 
of actual experience
with global warming, 
since the cold 1690s, 
and that global warming
has been 100% good news.

Past warming = 100% good news 

Future warming = 100% bad news

Is that future climate change 
MUST be only bad news, 
when past climate change 
HAS BEEN only good news !