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Thursday, January 23, 2020

Question for climate alarmists about wild fires and climate change

This question for climate alarmists was not funded by a grant from an oil company -- I write this blog as a public service, without any compensation. 

This question was not written by a climate denier -- not only do I admit there is a climate, I am also very confident it is the (subjectively) best climate for humans and plants in 800 to 1,000 years.

And we should be celebrating the current climate. 

I write this question for leftists who do not yet realize they have near zero climate science knowledge !

Serious question 
for smarmy 
climate alarmists:

If the 2019-2020
bush fires were 
really the result
of global warming, 
then why are there 
no similar fires 
in New Zealand, 
South Africa, or 
South America, 
above the 
44S parallel, 
  or in the 
last Summer 
below the 
44N parallel ?